Mark Sanders, LCSW, CADC, honored by Faces & Voices of Recovery and Illinois Certification Board, Inc.

May 25, 2023

The Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC invite you to join us in congratulating our colleague, Mark Sanders, LCSW, CADC, for being named the recipient of the Illinois Certification Board's 2023 Jessica Hayes Lifetime Achievement Award and the Faces & Voices of Recovery 2023 Innovations in Recovery Award


In April, The Illinois Certification Board, Inc. honored Mark Sanders with the 2023 Jessica Hayes Lifetime Achievement Award for his expansive and inspiring contributions to the behavioral health field over the past 40 years. From the early days of his career as a counselor and social worker to his current role as a subject matter expert and Illinois State Program Manager for the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC, Mark has influenced the lives and careers of countless individuals through his work. This is especially true for the state of Illinois and his hometown of Chicago where he continues to coordinate community-based treatment and recovery initiatives, especially for underserved and inequitably served populations.


Faces & Voices of Recovery selects the recipient of the Innovations in Recovery Award based on an individual's "extraordinary innovations and achievements" within the recovery community. This year, Mark Sanders is being honored at the America Honors Recovery Gala & Dinner for creating and curating The Online Museum of African American Addictions, Treatment and Recovery—an interactive website offering relevant, culturally responsive content that promotes recovery and wellness for African Americans. The museum's mission and impact are further strengthened by a growing network of African American leaders within the behavioral healthcare field who are the recipients of The Museum of African American Addictions, Treatment and Recovery's Rising Stars and Hall of Fame awards.


Congratulations, Mark—you deserve these accolades and many more! The behavioral health workforces of HHS Region 5 and beyond are very fortunate to benefit from the passion, wisdom, and kindness you bring to your work every day!



Mark Sanders, LCSW, CADC, is the Illinois State Program Manager for the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC. Mark has worked for 40 years as a social worker, educator, and part of the SUD workforce. He is the founder of the Online Museum of African American Addictions, Treatment and Recovery and co-founder of Serenity Academy of Chicago, the only recovery-oriented high school in Illinois. Mark is also an international speaker, trainer, and consultant in the behavioral health field whose work has reached thousands throughout the United States, Europe, Canada, the Caribbean, and the British Islands.

Mark Sanders is the 2021 recipient of the NAADAC Enlightenment Award in recognition of his outstanding work and contributions to NAADAC, the field of SUD services, and SUD professionals. He is also the recipient of the Illinois Association for Behavioral Health’s 2021 Lawrence Goodman Friend of the Field award in honor of the many years of dedicated service Mark has provided to communities throughout his home state of Illinois.


Mark Sanders recieves lifetime achievement award
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