Overview of the K-12 Toolkit for Mental Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention

Screenshot of Toolkit for Mental Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention

This webinar, sponsored by the MHTTC Network Coordinating Office and Pacific Southwest MHTTC, introduced the K-12 Toolkit for Mental Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention. This Toolkit was created by the Health Care Alliance for Response to Adolescent Depression (HEARD) in 2013 (updated in 2017), in response to a need for schools to promote student mental health and wellbeing, to prevent suicide and, in particular, how to respond after a suicide loss. The Toolkit convenes national best practices from SAMHSA, the NCSMH, and other organizations. It serves as a resource to fulfill California law AB 2246, The Pupil Suicide Prevention Act (2016), which requires that all public schools serving students in grades 7-12 have a Pupil Suicide Prevention Policy. This document has been updated to reflect both this need and this policy requirement. The tools and resources provided in this updated Toolkit are meant to complement what schools may already have in place and to help initiate the implementation of a Pupil Suicide Prevention Policy.

You can download the slide deck for this webinar above. The recording of this webinar is available here. The Toolkit is available for download on the HEARD Alliance website here

Please contact Jessica Gonzalez at [email protected] if you have any questions pertaining to this webinar.

August 8, 2019
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