Dear Colleagues,
We wanted to let you know that the MHTTC Network, including the Regional Centers and Network Coordinating Office, will be ending at the close of our grant year, September 29, 2024. This includes the work we do through our main grant and the School Mental Health supplement.
We are working with SAMHSA on where or how our resources might continue to be available after the MHTTC ends, but don’t have specific information to share at this time. Please know that all of our resources are in the public domain and can be used, reused, modified, and shared without permission, as long as you do not charge for their use. We ask that you always cite the MHTTC source/authors.
We continue to provide training and technical assistance through the end of our grant, and encourage you to keep accessing our Training and Events Calendar to learn about upcoming learning opportunities. You are also welcomed to access our Products and Resources Catalog to download materials that may be of interest to you.
SAMHSA supports a large number of training and technical assistance centers, including many on specific topics related to mental health. Please visit the Practitioner Trainingportion of SAMHSA’s website to identify the best center to assist you after September 29.
We are extremely grateful for your support over the last six years. Because of you, we have been able to respond to the mental health workforce's evolving needs, including during the difficult times of the COVID-19 pandemic, and support mental health providers as they implement evidence-based practices.
If you have specific questions about this change, please contact our Network Coordinating Office, or you may contact us at [email protected].
The Person-Centered Recovery Planning (PCRP) Consultation Corner is a 6-month learning series featuring a monthly webinar on the “FAQs” of PCRP; offering practical tools and resources to support quality PCRP at the level of both individual service delivery and organizational systems change; and providing follow-up “office hours” through smaller-group technical assistance for webinar participants who wish to take a “deeper dive” on a given topic.
The topic for webinar session 6 is "Staff Training, Supervision & Quality Monitoring-How to Reinforce PCRP in Practice."
At the end of the series, participants will be able to:
While the Consultation Corner’s webinar series is open to a national audience, priority for technical assistance office hours following this webinar session on August 21 will be given to webinar participants from the New England (Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vermont, Maine, Rhode Island, New Hampshire) and South Southwest (Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Texas) regions.
Join us on Wednesday, August 21, 2024 at 2 pm ET.
Register Here!
United South and Eastern Tribes, Inc. and New England MHTTC would like to invite you and your staff to attend "Reclaiming Native Psychological Brilliance: Wise Practices,"a Tribal Behavioral Health ECHO webinar series. Native psychological brilliance refers to the intelligence, strengths, balance, innate resources, and resilience of Native people.
This no-cost telehealth series is held on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 11 am Pacific/12 pm Mountain/1 pm Central/2 pm Eastern. The concept of Native psychological brilliance will be celebrated through Native music video and Native spoken word performances as part of each session.
Join us on Tuesday, August 27, 2024 at 2 pm ET.
Register Here!