Register for our Upcoming September events!

September 3, 2024

September 11

Why is Psychiatry Delayed Catching Up With Neuroscience?

Presentation Objective:

  • The participants will get a pictorial overview of the history of neuroscience and psychiatry. The growth in neuroscientific knowledge is unfortunately not yet matched in advances in psychiatry.
  • The several continuing roadblocks for the development of psychiatry as a clinical neuroscience will be reviewed. These include dogmatism, lack of experimental methods, and arm-chair theorizing, lingering dualism of mind vs body and reductionist thinking that one thing explains everything.
  • Rapid expansion of knowledge of the brain in recent years raises the hope for a tipping point for transforming psychiatry into a clinical neuroscience in the not too distant future, and thereby improving the diagnosis and management of these highly disabling illnesses. 

Presenters: Matcheri S. Keshavan, MD, and Staney Cobb, Professor and Academic Head, Department of Psychiatry

Join us on Wednesday, September 11, 2024 at 12 pm ET.

Register Here!

September 24

Reclaiming Native Psychological Brilliance: Wise Practices - September Session

United South and Eastern Tribes, Inc. and New England MHTTC would like to invite you and your staff to attend "Reclaiming Native Psychological Brilliance: Wise Practices,"a Tribal Behavioral Health ECHO webinar series. Native psychological brilliance refers to the intelligence, strengths, balance, innate resources, and resilience of Native people.  

The topic of September's session is "Traditional Practices in Action-Case Examples."

This no-cost telehealth series is held on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 11 am Pacific/12 pm Mountain/1 pm Central/2 pm Eastern. The concept of Native psychological brilliance will be celebrated through Native music video and Native spoken word performances as part of each session.

Join us on Tuesday, September 24, 2024 at 2 pm ET.

Register Here!

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