05232023.Medicaid and Funding.Materials


01252023.Comm 101.Materials

Making Sense of SMH.New Visual Graphic for Teacher Role.SEMHTTC.August 2021

02282023.EF and Support.Materials

02132023.EF and ADHD.Materials

Comm 101 for SMH.SEMHTTC July 22 2021.final 7 7 21

SEMHTTC SMH Communication_School Admin Jan 25

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Fundamentals.anxiety

Integrating Culture in Care: Behavioral Health Approaches for Hispanic and Latine Populations

COE speaker 8.19.24

CBTbasics3 handout

CBTbasics2 handout

CBTbasics1 handout

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Fundamentals.depression

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Fundamentals

Foundational Aspects of Cognitive Behavioral Techniques 4-part series Resources

Cognitive behavioral therapy has shown itself to be an effective technique for a variety of experiences of psychological distress. These experiences include but are not limited to depression, anxiety, trauma, sleep disorders and rumination.

In this four-week series, Dr. Green, takes you through the foundational aspects of cognitive behavioral techniques that can be readily applied to a variety of presenting concerns. We will cover some basic cognitive techniques and address some of the most common presentations for which cognitive behavioral therapy is utilized. We will also explore the cognitive approach of mindfulness. By the end of the four-week series, you will have additional tools to add to your clinical encounters with clients and mental health consumers. Please note, this is an interactive seminar with poll questions and breakout rooms. Join us for all 4 sessions!

Measure for Measure: Model Standard 11, What is Supervision? (Session 3)

Measure for Measure: Model Standard 7, What is Recovery? (Session 2)

Southeast MHTTC Newsletter July 2024

Measure for Measure: An Overview of “The National Model Standards for Peer Support Certification" (Session 1)

Measure for Measure: The National Standards for Peer Support Certification from the Peer Perspective

The "National Model Standards for Peer Support Certification” is the first substantive document on peer support published by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration since the 2015 landmark publication of “SAMHSA’s Core Competencies for Peer Workers in Behavioral Health Services.” A lot has changed (as evidenced by the depth and breadth of the content areas packed into the 35 pages of the Standards); and all but one state now have state-run or state-endorsed peer certification programs.

For those without an extensive formal training in behavioral health or experience reading federal policy, the Standards, while exciting as movement forward, can be nonetheless confusing, intimidating, and challenging. In this 3-part series we plan to make the Standards more understandable to the people and organizations providing peer support on both the macro level (What is a national standard, and does it impact me and my work?) and the micro level (What are the five Pillars of Peer Support Supervision and what happens if my state only adopts four of them as certification requirements?). Subject knowledge experts will be joining us throughout the series, but the focus will remain on the peer perspective.

The first session, held on July 29 (1-2:30pm ET), will be an overview of the 11 standards and introduction to a matrix that groups can use to determine their compliance with the standards and whether or not the standards apply to their state/organization. Then we will do a deep dive into the two standards that have generated the most discussion among the stakeholders we have been in contact with since the release of the standards in 2023.

At the end of Session 1, participants will be able to:

Register for Session 1 here.

The second session, held on August 5 (1-2:30pm ET), will review Standard 7: Recovery. Model Standard 7, What is Recovery? This is a deep dive into Standard 7 of “The National Model Standards for Peer Support Certification,” and how organizations and communities with different understandings of what “abstinent recovery” is can thrive while aligning themselves with the national standards. 

At the end of Session 2, participants will be able to:

Register for Session 2 here.

For the third session, held on August 12 (1-2:30pm ET) facilitators will discuss Standard 11: Peer Supervision. Model Standard 11, What is Supervision? Discussions around peer supervision can be especially confusing because of the different backgrounds and lived experience of peer support stakeholders. In this deep dive into Standard 11 of “The National Model Standards for Peer Support Certification,” we will share basic definitions of the terminology used in this model standard, and how that language fits into the larger concepts addressed directly and indirectly in this standard, including ensuring that the emerging profession of peer support thrives as part of the continuum of care in behavioral health without eliminating the unique characteristics of peer support, such as the active use of lived experience, that are essential to its success. 

At the end of Session 3, participants will be able to:

Register for Session 3 here.

We hope you will be able to join us for all three sessions. Questions may be sent in advance to [email protected] with subject line SEMHTTC.

Session Panelists:

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