Mental Health Awareness Month

Millions of Americans face the reality of living with a mental illness. That is why in May, hundreds of organizations across the country are raising awareness about mental health. Inspire others to raise awareness and take part in sharing information, resources, and support for mental health conditions. Below we share upcoming events and free resources from our Network in addition to other resources from national organizations. Want to receive updates about mental health resources and training opportunities past Mental Health Awareness Month? Subscribe to our Network's and your Regional Center's newsletters today!

Featured MHTTC Events

May 1

 In Our Own Voice with NAMI Seattle webinar image showing young people joining together in solidarity

In Our Own Voice with NAMI Seattle

NAMI In Our Own Voice presentations change attitudes, assumptions and stereotypes about people with mental health conditions. This 90-minute presentation will provide a personal perspective of mental illness, as presenters with lived experience talk openly about what it's like to live with a mental health condition. Their trained presenters humanize the misunderstood, highly stigmatized topic of mental illness by showing that it’s possible—and common—to live well with a mental health condition.

May 2

parents helping son with homework

Supporting Youth Who Encounter Racial Stress and Trauma

Research has indicated that youth may experience racism, prejudice, and bias as early as preschool. In this workshop, participants will have the opportunity to reflect on their experiences of working with their students and learn strategies to help students navigate a culturally complex world. We will discuss how implicit bias may influence and impact expectations and interactions with youth. Participants will walk away with strategies to discuss these important issues with youth and learn how to support students as they encounter racism and racial trauma.

May 7

Introduction to Classroom WISE

This webinar will provide a one-hour introduction to Classroom WISE. Classroom WISE is a FREE 3-part training package that assists K-12 educators and school staff in supporting the mental health of students in the classroom. Developed by the Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) Network in partnership with the National Center for School Mental Health, this package offers evidence-based strategies and skills to engage and support students experiencing adversity and distress.

Safety, Compassion, and Dignity: A One-Day Symposium on Harm Reduction, Healing Justice, and Mental Health Approaches

Join us for a special, full-day symposium to uplift the origins, approaches, and practices of harm reduction in mental health work. While harm reduction has roots in substance abuse, it is also a vital mental health approach. We are holding this symposium on International Harm Reduction Day to explore how the tenets of harm reduction and healing justice can inform and transform the way we engage in mental health care.

May 8

Five teenagers sitting outside on concrete steps

Youth Mental Health First Aid

Youth Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) teaches you how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental health challenges and substance use disorders (SUDs) in young people. This training gives you the skills you need to reach out and provide initial support to a young person who may be developing a mental health or substance use issue and help connect them to the appropriate care.

May 10

Wellness: Caring for the Emotional Health of the Latino Community (en Español)

Physical and emotional health should be treated with the same seriousness and priority. In the Latino community, stigma around mental health can prevent and/or delay someone from seeking mental health services. In this workshop, we will talk about the importance of taking care of our emotional health to prevent conditions such as depression and anxiety. Participants will identify main psychosocial stressors in the Latino community, utilize strategies to effectively manage emotions, practice relaxation techniques, and develop goals to maintain holistic balance. NOTE: This webinar will be held in Spanish.

May 13-15

2024 Innovations Event

Better Together: Cultivating Inclusion and Engagement with Communities of Color

During this 3 day event, our goal is to foster an environment where attendees gain invaluable tools, resources, and actionable strategies to cultivate positive, inclusive, and innovative cultures in their respective communities and workplaces. Throughout the event, participants will have the opportunity to expand their perspectives, nurture inclusivity, and enhance cultural awareness regarding best practices in prevention, intervention, treatment, and recovery within communities of color. Key focus areas include celebrating and amplifying our strengths through innovations in racial equity and cultural humility.

May 17

Eating disorders vector

Recognizing and Treating Eating Disorders and Disordered Eating for the General Practitioner

In this training, participants will learn the difference between disordered eating and a diagnosable eating disorder, when to refer out to a specialty provider as well as what to say and what not to say when working with an individual suffering from an eating disorder. Participants will also learn key characteristics of the most common eating disorder diagnoses as well as discussing key treatment objectives for each. A short overview of different treatment approaches for eating disorders will also be provided.

May 22

Rooting Young Adult Mental Health Services in Culturally Sustaining Values & Practices, Session 4

Session 4 in this series is entitled "Honoring and Supporting Peer Support in Healing-Centered Approaches" and, through generative conversation, panel discussion, active learning experiences, and the exploration of tangible action steps, offers the following learning objectives:

  • How youth and young adult serving organizations can implement peer support providers, and uplift lived experience professionals
  • Learn about the power and benefits of peer support in a young person's life
  • Ways to implement peer support in young people's treatment plan as a way to promote employment opportunities and belonging
A group of people chat together.

The heART of Reflective Supervision: Attunement, Reflection, and Togetherness

This training on reflective supervision is specifically for those new to the concept or within three years of practice/participation. The South Southwest MHTTC is honored to host Nat Vikitsreth, a nationally award-winning decolonized therapist and facilitator, trans rights activist, and host of the Come Back to Care Podcast, to present on the topic. This webinar is open to all curious and compassionate early childhood providers who are looking to understand Reflective Supervision as a means to grow, create, and connect.

May 28

Provider Plática Learning Collaborative banner

Session 5 in the "Provider Plática Learning Collaborative" Series

Collaboratively held by the National Training & Technical Assistance Center (NTTAC) and the Pacific Southwest MHTTC, this Provider Plática program is a monthly collaborative space for peer learning and resourcing. This session and all that follow are an open, bilingual space for members of the mental health workforce to share common challenges and experiences when providing services to Spanish-speaking communities with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) as well as high-quality resources and innovative solutions. All levels of Spanish language proficiency and comfort are welcome.

May 30

Person starring into the distance

Anxiety and Phobic Disorders in the Black Community

Although occasional anxiety is a normal part of life, ongoing worry or extreme fear may indicate an underlying mental health concern. This webinar will explore the types of anxiety and other phobic disorders prevalent in the Black community. These conditions are among the most pervasive, troubling, and disabling of psychosocial problems. The presentation will also discuss treatment options for this population.

Featured MHTTC Resources

A group of kids raising their hands while standing on the grass

Addressing Mental Health Concerns in Children and Teens

This collection of four printable products offers information related to anxiety, stress management, depression, and suicide warning signs in children and teens.

Availability and Accessibility of Coordinated Care in HHS Region 3

The Central East MHTTC and HeadsUp collaborated to produce the new video Availability and Accessibility of Coordinated Care in HHS Region 3. Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC) is a recovery-oriented treatment program for individuals who have experienced a first episode of psychosis (FEP). The 10-minute video features interviews with family members, researchers and behavioral health professionals, who discuss their experiences, research, policy and practices and offer recommendations for addressing the issue.

Checking In Podcast Logo

Checking In Podcast Series

The Checking In Podcast is an interview-style series discussing topics related to increasing health equity, promoting the use of culturally appropriate services, and destigmatizing mental illness and substance use disorders.

Flourishing at Work Plan

This document includes a template for helping professionals to develop a Flourishing at Work plan.

Healing and Power in Peer Support

The Healing & Power in Peer Support training provides an overview of Healing-Centered Engagement and its principles as ways to deepen and advance the practice of peer support. Participants explore concepts like holding space, radical acceptance, meaning-making, and power dynamics through deep reflection, experiential activities, and facilitated discussion. The curriculum is helpful for new peer supporters should be facilitated by experienced peer specialists who are looking to support the peer workforce in their community.

Peers in Crisis Service Settings

These guidance documents offer support for organizations employing Peer Specialists in crisis service settings, including Peer Run Warmlines, Peer Navigation, Crisis Respite programs, Mobile Crisis Units, and Crisis Stabilization Units.

The Positionality Project

The Positionality Project at the South Southwest MHTTC aims to provide resources for the mental health workforce to understand positionality and how it shapes our work. For mental health providers, such understanding can translate to improved quality of care by identifying social positions impacting relationships, impacts of systems and culture, and providing culturally-responsive care. For researchers and advocates, positionality can help identify limitations of our work and expand representation and inclusion within it.

Toward Wellness and Recovery Podcast

The Toward Wellness and Recovery podcast explores topics of interest to those people who support and help others, such as health and behavioral health service providers. We have produced two seasons of the podcast, Season 1: Flourishing at Work and Season 2: Mind Care Matters.

I Accept Myself as I Am (English)

Walking in Recovery Cards

Help us help others promote an affirmative, inclusive, and recovery-oriented message for Hispanic/Latinx individuals living with mental health conditions. These culturally-inspired cards are designed to provide a message of encouragement and hope and include an explanation of the importance of culture in the recovery process and overall wellness. These cards are available for download in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.

Classroom WISE is a FREE 3-part training package that assists K-12 educators and school personnel in supporting the mental health of students in the classroom. Developed by the MHTTC Network in partnership with the National Center for School Mental Health, this package offers evidence-based strategies and skills to engage and support students experiencing adversity and distress. In addition to a free online course on mental health literacy for educators and school personnel, a video library and resource collection are also available! Access the complete Classroom WISE training package here.

Cultural Inclusiveness and Equity WISE: A Companion Course

A new companion course to Classroom WISE, Classroom WISE: Cultural Inclusiveness and Equity WISE (Well-Being Information and Strategies for Educators), is now available! In this 2-hour self-paced, online course, developed by the Central East MHTTC in partnership with the National Center for School Mental Health, educators will learn how inequities in education impact student mental health and how implicit bias influences our perceptions and responses. Building on this foundation, educators will learn culturally inclusive classroom strategies to support student mental health. 

Other Resources from National Organizations

National Prevention Week is a national public education platform showcasing the work of communities and organizations across the country dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of substance misuse prevention and positive mental health.

#MyPreventionStory: SAMHSA invites you to get involved by sharing your #MyPreventionStory on social media, downloading their planning toolkit, and promoting National Prevention Week. For more information and access to SAMHSA's NPW events and resources, click here.

May 9 is Children's Mental Health Awareness Day

One in five children struggle with mental illness but few receive treatment. Observing this day helps to end stigma and discrimination about mental health in children and youth. Below are resources related to children's mental health awareness.

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