Best and Promising Practices (BPP) Fact Sheet Library

One of the first steps in implementing new mental health services is to explore best and promising practices that may help resolve gaps in care. Recognizing the need for succinct summaries, the MHTTC Network has built a library of Best and Promising Practices Fact Sheets.

What is a BPP?

The MHTTC Network chose the model of “best and promising practices” to include evidence-based practices, community-defined evidence, and culturally adapted practices. This definition promotes programs and strategies that have positive, scientific outcomes for improving behavioral health. Each fact sheet includes the evidence available to support the practice, as well as details about fidelity assessment instruments. This empowers practitioners to determine what strategies meet the requirements of their organization and funders.    

What is a BPP Fact Sheet?

Fact sheets provide information about EBPs to help organizations and providers match a practice to the needs of their clients, staff, and funders. Each fact sheet provides a comprehensive overview of a specific behavioral health practice, including the population for whom the practice is appropriate, the providers and systems who can implement the practice, and the investment of resources needed to deliver the practice effectively. 

We wish to thank the members of the BPP Coordination Group and our Network peer reviewers for their generous contributions to the design and development of the BPP Fact Sheet Library. If you have any questions or additional resources you'd like to see on this page, please email [email protected]. If you are part of the MHTTC Network and would like to contribute to the BPP Fact Sheet Library by requesting or co-authoring a new fact sheet, or by signing up to be a peer reviewer, please contact us at [email protected].

Copyright © 2024 Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) Network