Feb 4 Resources for School-Based Behavioral Health Professionals During COVID-19

January 24, 2022


Each session will go from 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. MT / 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. CT

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Event Description

This is a four-part virtual training series on working with youth, parents, and other professionals during a global pandemic. This series will focus on mental health in uncertain times, thinking outside the box to support people virtually and in-person, and resource development for providers. Participants will gain resources, tools, and contacts to use while developing professional skills.  


  • Be able to identify and connect internally to how each worker is experiencing/feeling and what they are going through before, during, and after working with the youth. 

  • Provide practical tips to assess and address burn out, grief/loss, and crisis. 

  • Distinguish crisis from substance abuse and mental health symptoms while working with parents. 

  • Have tools to address needs of youth/parents who are living in rural areas and have limited access to care or specialists.  

  • Possess options and opportunities to reach out to resources and expertise on cultural knowledge, the LGBTQIA community, and educational opportunities not offered in their area.  

  • Feel more confident in alternative ways to connect with the youth when in person or virtual learning changes suddenly. 


Session 1 - February 4, 2022

Identifying Burn Out, Grief/Loss, and Crisis While Providing Support for Others 


Since the beginning of the pandemic, employees reported a 21% increase in burnout, feelings of grief and loss, and not knowing how to manage crisis situations. Burn out, grief and loss, and crisis can cause an increase in physical symptoms of stress like muscle tension, fatigue, and illness. They also add work-life balance challenges and overall job stress. Burn out is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. It occurs when you feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meet constant demands. This training will provide knowledge on how to identify mild, moderate, and severe symptoms of burn out, grief and loss, and crisis. It will also provide tools to de-escalate crises, address grief and loss, and reduce burn out. The training will teach participants how to maintain compassion and empathy in a time when COVID fatigue is affecting them and the youth they are trying to support. 


Session 2 - February 11, 2022

Supporting Passionate Parents and De-Escalating Parents in Crisis


44.3% of parents with children living at home reported worse mental health as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. 27% of parents reported increased alcohol/drug consumption. 8% of parents reported an increase in suicidal thoughts/feelings, and 11% of parents reported more stress about being safe from physical/emotional domestic violence. 24.8% of parents reported their children’s mental health had worsened since the pandemic, while 22% of parents also reported more frequent negative interactions with their children due to the pandemic. This training will provide skills to de-escalate parents who are in crisis and provide support for parents in burn out. The training will also teach skills on how to identify root issues that are happening and how to support the parent in supporting the child. It will also teach tools to identify differences of parents in crisis or burn out compared to parents who may have substance abuse or mental health symptoms. 


Session 3 - February 18, 2022

Connecting With Children and Teens in These Uncertain Times 


93% of school-aged children reported some type of virtual learning during COVID-19. Students didn't just lose academic learning quality time during the pandemic. Some of them lost family members, while others had caregivers who lost their jobs and sources of income. Almost all students experienced social isolation. This training will provide options to engage with young people both in person and virtually. We will discuss ways to talk, engage, and inspire students to participate again. Resources will be provided on how to build and maintain social skills during both in-person and virtual learning. 


Session 4 - February 25, 2022

Creating a Sense of Community and Finding Resources in Your Area


Rural areas constitute 97% of America's land mass, accounting for a large portion of the country's vital natural resources. Moreover, rural areas are crucial sources of water, food, energy, and recreation for all Americans. While being vital to us, rural areas have challenges such as scarcity of primary care providers and specialists, lack of access to mental health and other behavioral health services, emergency medical services, and other essential services. This training is intended to identify children and teens who are facing challenges such as bullying, having body image concerns, being from a different culture, identifying as LGBTQIA, feeling targeted, or feeling isolated. This training will give providers tools that can be used to create and maintain safe spaces, as well as offer other resources to use and share. The training will also review HIPAA laws, confidentiality requirements, and handling matters appropriately with children and teens. 


Tina Boteilho, LMFT


















Tina Boteilho is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist. Tina was born and raised on Maui. Tina lived in California for several years but couldn’t resist the invitation to go back to Maui after college. Over the past 20 years Tina has worked for several non-profit agencies and the state of Hawaii with children 0-18 years old, children with special health needs/disabilities and their families, individuals reintegrating back into their communities and families after several years of incarceration, emergency responders, military families, individuals needing crisis interventions, and individuals with serious and persistent mental illness. Tina currently runs her own private practice, contracts with several non-profits as a qualified mental health practitioner, has created several trainings for children, adolescents, couples, families, and individuals, and volunteers with several local non-profits. Tina has been invited to several trainings and conferences as a guest speaker to talk about best practices with people experiencing trauma and crisis, grief and loss, working in isolated rural areas, community resource building, pandemic relief, blending families, coparenting, LGBTQIA issues, and cultural sensitivity. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her family hiking, going to the beach, landscaping, ranching, and farming.  

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