Family Peer Support with Oregon Family Support Network

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The Northwest MHTTC is excited to collaborate with the Oregon Family Support Network to offer family support learning opportunities for crisis planning and family partner training in summer 2021.

Family Partner Orientation

Wraparound is a planning process to help youth and their families realize their hopes and dreams. This training will orient you to the family partner role within the Wraparound process. We will go over the 4 phases of Wraparound and how the Family Partner supports the family and team members through the Wraparound process and activities associated with Wraparound planning.

Family Led Crisis Planning

"Person and Family-Centered Planning” is not just a catchy new phrase in the mental health world for families. During this webinar we will highlight the importance of family members having active participation, and an active role, in the design of their mental health crisis plan. Together we will focus on how the family and youth perspective, lived experience, and culture can guide efficacious holistic crisis planning within all 12 life domains.


  • Understand mental health crisis planning from the Family Perspective.
  • Distinguish crisis stabilization versus crisis planning.
  • Navigate the paradigm shift from system led crisis planning to consumer led crisis planning.
  • Discuss crisis planning from a holistic view and how all life domains are incorporated.
  • Navigate strategies that assist in creating effective family crisis plans.



Candace Arnold is a Family Support Specialist and the statewide Peer Coach and System of Care Trainer for Oregon Family Support Network (OFSN). OFSN is a family-run organization that promotes mental, behavioral, and emotional wellness for families and youth through education, support, and advocacy. Candace comes to this position with experience supporting youth and families, and with lived experience as a mother of 3 children, all with varying levels of complex mental and behavioral health needs. Being a wife and mother who has needed to learn to navigate youth and family support services, she knows, understands, and deeply respects the role of peers.



Shawna Canaga is a Family Support Specialist and the statewide Peer Delivered Services Trainer for Oregon Family Support Network (OFSN). OFSN is a family run organization that promotes mental, behavioral, and emotional wellness for families and youth through education, support, and advocacy. Shawna comes to this position with over a decade of experience supporting youth and families, and with lived experience as a mother of an adult child with complex mental health needs. Throughout both of these journeys Shawna has cultivated a passion for supporting family-driven and person-centered care within the youth and family serving systems.





OFSN Technical Briefs (including Spanish versions of all of their content)

Selected items related to this series:

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