This webinar will highlight findings from SAMHSA’s guide titled, Addressing Burnout in the Behavioral Health Workforce through Organizational Strategies, which explores evidence-based, organization-level strategies and promising practices to address burnout within the behavioral health workforce. Following an overview of the goals of SAMHSA’s Evidence-Based Resource Guide Series by SAMHSA’s Humberto Carvalho, MPH; Candice Chen, MD, MPH, George Washington University, from the guide’s technical expert panel will discuss this guide’s development. Ellen Childs, PhD, Abt Associates, will provide an overview of the framing of the guide, describing factors leading to burnout, and relevant evidence-based strategies to address it. Representatives from organizations featured in the guide’s case studies will discuss development of their policies or programs to address burnout. The webinar will close with information about how to access the guide.
Download the slides for this presentation here.
Access the guide here.