Behavioral health programs are experiencing greater challenges than ever before. The combination of COVID-19, workforce shortages, and alcohol, stimulant, and opioid use disorders and overdoses creates unique challenges for program administrators and implementers serving American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) populations. At the same time, significant funding is now available.
Are you ready to pursue these funding opportunities in a competitive environment? If not, help is here!
This free training series, featuring Pam Baston, MPA, MCAP, CPP, will guide participants through a step-by-step process in how to strengthen their behavioral health programs and their readiness to successfully compete for funding. Practical tips and tools will be provided, and participants will be encouraged to engage in some self-directed activities between each training session to maximize their success.
1:30-3:00pm ET . 12:30-2:00 CT . 11:30-1:00 MT . 10:30-12:00 PT . 9:30-11:00 AKT
If you would like more information, or would like to register, please contact:
Megan Dotson, BA, Program Manager, Mental Health TTC