Recent News

The Southeast MHTTC is proud to promote a webinar hosted by the Southeast Prevention Technology Transfer Center, "Managing the Impact of COVID-19 in Children, Families and Communities through Prevention Strategies." Maureen Underwood, LCSW, will present on some of the challenges caused by the uncertainty of COVID19, including chronic stress, emotional distress, and loss through the […]
Published: 07/08/2020
Mental Health Service Provision by Critical Access Hospital-Based Rural Health Clinics Rural communities face unique access barriers to mental health services, such as shortages of mental health providers, long travel distances, and high rates of stigma regarding mental health treatment. This results in rural residents relying more heavily on primary care providers (PCP) and acute […]
Published: 07/02/2020
  Editors' Note: This story ran in our July newsletter, published July 1.   The COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences have caused significant loss, including lives, livelihoods and social/physical connections — and it has impacted how we grapple with death and mourning.   In response, the Mid-America MHTTC and MHTTC partners from across the country are […]
Published: 07/01/2020
  Editors' Note: This story ran in our July newsletter, published July 1.   Families of persons with serious mental illness play an important role in the lives of their loved ones. In addition to being caring siblings, parents or spouses, they often function as caregivers and can be an asset to any mental health team […]
Published: 07/01/2020
Major Depression, Treatment Receipt, and Treatment Sources among Non-Metropolitan and Metropolitan Adults This policy brief from the Rural and Underserved Health Research Center examines the receipt of treatment for major depression in non-metropolitan and metropolitan areas. Depression remains common, afflicting approximately 7% of both non-metropolitan and metropolitan areas. Receipt of treatment fell into two categories: […]
Published: 07/01/2020
SAMHSA, SMI Adviser and the American Psychiatric Association (APA) are enhancing the APA Learning Center this summer. Key improvements being rolled out in July include: A modern design and simple navigation tools  A streamlined, efficient checkout process to get you started learning right away Tailored activity recommendations based on your previous course enrollments and completions […]
Published: 06/30/2020
Rural Social Isolation and Loneliness: Three-part Series In this series, participants learned about loneliness and social isolation among older adults in rural and urban areas. Trainers discussed what has changed as a result of the current health pandemic, how we can prepare rural providers to ask questions to determine isolation/loneliness, and what we can do […]
Published: 06/26/2020
In today's times, we are experiencing a culmination of historical events in real-time: a global pandemic; worldwide demonstrations and civil unrest; and a push for social justice and reform. Yet through it all, many have found ways to cope, grow, and thrive. Storytelling is an act of resilience that can forge human connections, increase empathy, […]
Published: 06/24/2020
  This project sought to better identify veterans seeking care and improve behavioral health screening. Obstacles in identifying veteran status include confusion about eligibility, veterans utilizing non-Veteran Affair (VA) services to avoid stigma, and distance to the nearest VA-eligible provider. The project aims to screen all patients at Community Health Centers of Southeastern Iowa for […]
Published: 06/24/2020
Farm Stress: Facts, Impact of COVID-19, and Resource and Training Needs of Mental Health Care Providers This new publication on farm stress describes challenges related to the accessibility, availability, and acceptability of mental health services, the various stressors that farmers and ranchers face, the impact of COVID-19, and valuable resources to providers who serve farming […]
Published: 06/24/2020
July is National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month. This July, communities are facing the “perfect storm” of crises that are deepening the disparities in mental health and well-being. The current COVID-19 pandemic, economic crisis, behavioral health crisis, and the civil unrest stemming from recent incidents of police brutality has impacted all of America, but disproportionately […]
Published: 06/19/2020
The National Health Service Corps (NHSC) is currently accepting applications to approve new health care facilities in their network. By becoming an NHSC-approved site, eligible clinicians at your health care facility can apply for an NHSC loan repayment award. You can also recruit NHSC scholarship recipients to work for you. In addition, NHSC-approved sites have […]
Published: 06/18/2020
Rural/Urban Disparities in the Utilization of Health and Behavioral Assessments/Interventions in the Fee-for-Service Medicare Population This policy brief from the Rural and Underserved Health Research Center investigated geographic disparities and identified the availability of Health and Behavioral Assessments and Intervention (HBAI) for fee-for-service (FFS) Medicare beneficiaries. The findings suggest availability of HBAI services for FFS […]
Published: 06/12/2020
Disparities in health care and mental health care are more evident than ever. Some areas of concern include limited access to high-quality care and the availability of culturally grounded evidence-based treatment and services for Hispanics and Latinos. Addressing these disparities, the National Hispanic and Latino MHTTC developed this booklet. It emphasizes the social determinants of […]
Published: 06/11/2020
Statewide High-Level Analysis of Forecasted Behavioral Health Impacts from COVID-19, issued by the Washington State Department of Health on May 15, 2020, provides a brief overview of the potential statewide, behavioral health impacts from COVID-19.  The intent of this document is to communicate the potential impacts of the outbreak to response planners and behavioral health organizations, […]
Published: 06/11/2020
Improving Mental Health Service Access for Farming and Rural Communities: Three-part series This three-part series is a partnership between the American Psychological Association (APA), the Great Lakes Mental Health Technology Transfer Center in Region 5 and the Mountain Plains Mental Health Technology Transfer Center in Region 8. The purpose is to collaborate and disseminate information to […]
Published: 06/11/2020
About this Resource:  Life, as we knew it just a few weeks ago, has been completely turned upside down. That feeling you are feeling but can’t seem to describe in words may be grief. People are experiencing the loss of jobs, school, hugs, social connections, sports, graduations, weddings, funerals, it seems that every area of our […]
Published: 06/08/2020
On Thursday, June 18, 2020 from 10:30 a.m. – 4:45 p.m. ET, join SAMHSA’s Homeless and Housing Resource Network (HHRN) for a day of learning from nearly two dozen national experts, policy makers, and providers in large plenaries and smaller concurrent sessions. No travel is required—attend directly from your own internet-connected computer. Join us for the […]
Published: 06/08/2020
Projected Deaths of Despair from COVID-19 Deaths of despair have been on the rise for a decade, but with COVID-19, new influences are emerging. This report provides predictions for deaths of despair impacted by COVID-19, what that may look like as well as what can be done to prevent these deaths. This report has been […]
Published: 06/04/2020
Rural America Could See Dramatic Rise in Mental Health Issues and Suicides, Experts Say The stress and anxiety caused by the COVID-19 pandemic are expected to increase the amount of people suffering from mental disorders and suicide across the country, but rural America is expected to take the hardest hit. This article explores how the […]
Published: 06/04/2020
Bringing Recovery Supports to Scale Technical Assistance Center Strategy (BRSS TACS) hosts free Recovery LIVE! and other related virtual events about implementing effective recovery supports and services for children, youth, families, young adults, adults, seniors, and other populations with mental or substance use disorders. Participants engage directly with moderators and each other through live chatting, polls, and other interactive […]
Published: 06/03/2020
  Editors' Note: This story ran in our June newsletter, published June 1.   The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted a particularly vulnerable population: children and adolescents, often cared for by school-based psychologists, counselors and social workers.   Throughout the provision of more generalized telehealth training, our Center and others across the MHTTC Network received a […]
Published: 06/01/2020
  Editors' Note: This story ran in our June newsletter, published June 1.   The Mid-America MHTTC and Mid-America Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) on May 25 launched a podcast entitled 20-Minute Tips: A Podcast for the Behavioral Health Workforce.   The podcast is geared toward behavioral health (BH) and substance use disorder (SUD) providers. During […]
Published: 06/01/2020
  Editors' Note: This story ran in our June newsletter, published June 1.   Across the U.S., the SAMHSA-funded Technology Transfer Center (TTC) Network operates in three distinct yet coinciding fields: mental health, addiction and prevention.   Honoring these overlapping interests, our Center has joined colleagues at the Mid-America Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) and Mid-America Prevention […]
Published: 06/01/2020
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