Recent News

Mountain Plains Mental Health Technology Transfer Center team members will be attending and presenting at the National Association for Rural Mental Health (NARMH) Conference, August 2019. Each year, NARHM hosts a conference focusing on rural and frontier mental health practice, social services, research, and public policy issues. The NARMH Annual conference brings together rural clinicians, […]
Published: 08/12/2019
Police, firefighters, and emergency medical services (EMS) professionals work in fast-paced environments, often putting in long hours and sometimes facing highly stressful and dangerous situations. This intensity can affect life at home and families of first responders. The following resources from the Disaster Technical Assistance Center (DTAC) provide various methods of support for first responders and […]
Published: 08/09/2019
On Wednesday, August 14, 2019, 9:00 – 10:00am ET, the Northeast and Caribbean MHTTC is hosting the following free webinar: Youth Suicide: Early Detection of Warning Signs and Identifying Risk Factors. Suicide is a complex issue and usually an intimidating topic to talk about. This webinar is an introduction to suicide prevention for school personnel. […]
Published: 08/09/2019
A “Youth Mental Health Training” is being offered in Georgia by Mental Health America of Georgia and Wellcare Health Plans. To read more about it, please click here. 
Published: 08/01/2019
The West Alabama Mental Health Center (WAMHC) is providing two trainings on August 12th and August 19th regarding how to recognize and help those with mental health problems. To read more about it, please click here. 
Published: 08/01/2019
The Mountain Plains Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) exhibition booth provided Technology Transfer Center program overview information at the North Dakota Child and Family Services Training Center’s Annual Conference. Dr. Andrew J. McLean, MHTTC Technical Trainer, hosted training sessions on Shared Decision-Making, and Psychotropic Medications: A review for Patients, Guardians, Advocates and Care Providers. […]
Published: 07/30/2019
The Farmer Stress Hotline in South Dakota began in February, in response to farming economic and climate challenges. Farmers face many struggles to keep their farms and are at increased risk for suicide, as they often don't have insurance covering mental health and often live far from mental health providers. Read the full article covered […]
Published: 07/29/2019
This webinar will introduce the K-12 Toolkit for Mental Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention. This Toolkit was created by the Health Care Alliance for Response to Adolescent Depression (HEARD) in 2013 (updated in 2017), in response to a need for schools to promote student mental health and wellbeing, to prevent suicide and, in particular, how to respond […]
Published: 07/24/2019
Please join SAMHSA’s Homeless and Housing Resource Network (HHRN) for a 2-day national online conversation about the most effective approaches to ending homelessness for individuals with serious mental illness and/or substance use disorders. The Way Home: A Virtual Summit on Homelessness, Serious Mental Illness, and Substance Use Disorders will take place August 7-8, 2019, 10:30 […]
Published: 07/23/2019
The Domestic Violence Resource Network (DVRN) is funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Family and Youth Services Bureau. DVRN works collaboratively to promote practices and strategies to improve our nation’s response to domestic violence and make safety and justice not just a priority, but also a reality. DVRN member agencies ensure […]
Published: 07/16/2019
Kentucky’s Department for Behavioral Health, Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities (DBHDID) secured a $5 million federal grant to continue the successful TAYLRD program (Transition Age Youth Launching Realized Dreams). This program allows Kentucky youth to easily access high-quality youth support services to empower young adults to be in charge of their own behavioral health, help them achieve their goals, […]
Published: 07/11/2019
In order to reduce suicide rates, Tennessee legislators passed a new law that requires public higher education institutions to develop and implement suicide prevention plans and create awareness among the students. To read more about it, please click here. 
Published: 07/11/2019
More than 60 million people live outside cities in the United States, and those residents face higher rates of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and suicide. There’s no single cause for the effects, but experts point to environmental differences, workforce shortages, and education gaps as some of the most likely reasons for health disparities. The unique […]
Published: 07/10/2019
Co-developed by the Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) Network Coordinating Office and the National Center for School Mental Health (NCSMH) to help states, districts, and schools across the United States understand the core components of comprehensive school mental health and engage in a planning process, this national school mental health curriculum focuses on the […]
Published: 07/08/2019
SAMHSA and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released a new joint informational bulletin, Guidance to States and School Systems on Addressing Mental Health and Substance Use Issues in Schools. This guidance includes examples of approaches for mental health and substance use disorder (SUD) related treatment services in schools, and describes some of […]
Published: 07/01/2019
"This Joint SAMHSA-CMS informational Bulletin provides guidance to states and school systems about addressing mental health and substance use issues in schools. It provides examples of approaches for services in schools and describes some Medicaid authorities that states may use to cover services." To access the document, click here.
Published: 07/01/2019
Several faculty and staff from the Mountain Plains Mental Health Technology Transfer Center spoke at the Dakota Conference on Rural and Public Health, hosted in Minot, North Dakota. The Dakota Conference provides an opportunity for over 300 healthcare professionals, educators, and students to share strategies for building and sustaining healthy communities in North Dakota and […]
Published: 06/27/2019
The Farmer Mental Health Crisis: Understanding A Vulnerable Population Join American Psychological Association and Farm Aid for a special webinar on the mental health crisis among farmers and how psychologists can make a difference. This webinar is geared toward psychologists who are interested in working with this population. Panel experts will help you understand the […]
Published: 06/27/2019
This 45-minute video interview presentation created by Mountain Plains Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC), representing HHS Region VIII, is a professional learning tool to explore how Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) affect the human population. Director of Mountain Plains MHTTC, Professor Thomasine Heitkamp, interviews a national expert on Adverse Childhood Experiences, Dr. Donald Warne, who […]
Published: 06/20/2019
The Rural Health Information Hub (RHIhub) recently released the video, Preventing Farmer Suicide: Collaboration and Communication. Farmers face a multitude of unique stressors, such as difficult economic conditions and extreme weather. These challenges have led to a recent increase in the number of farmers taking their own lives. Experts discuss warning signs of suicide and […]
Published: 06/20/2019
Students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have established small group meetings to promote mental health and relief from anxiety, called the Mind-Body Ambassadors. To read more about it, please click here. 
Published: 06/19/2019
After the deaths of several police officers due to staffing issues and high turnover rates, North Carolina state lawmakers are trying to solve prison safety issues through mental health services for both officers and inmates. To read more about it, please click here. 
Published: 06/19/2019
This 45-minute video interview presentation created by Mountain Plains Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC), representing HHS Region VIII, is a professional learning tool to explore how Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) affect the human population. Director of Mountain Plains MHTTC, Professor Thomasine Heitkamp, interviews a national expert on Adverse Childhood Experiences, Dr. Donald Warne, who […]
Published: 06/18/2019
On June 28, 2019 at 12-1pm ET, join us for our webinar: Psychiatric Advance Directives: A Compelling Tool to Support Crisis Care. Hosted by SMI Adviser and the Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) Network, this free webinar is ideal for all mental health clinicians across various practice settings.   Learn all about Psychiatric Advance […]
Published: 06/13/2019
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