Utilizing Cross-Sector Partnerships to Reduce Behavioral Health Disparities in Older Adults

October 22, 2021

The E4 Center is proud to announce the release of their new toolkit: Utilizing Cross-Sector Partnerships to Reduce Behavioral Health Disparities in Older Adults. 

In recent years, there has been significant focus on the benefits of cross-sector partnerships for improving health, particularly on partnerships between health care and community-based social service organizations. ii This toolkit applies best practices from such initiatives to the world of behavioral health care for older adults, an important area of care that is often overlooked. Our goal with this toolkit is to describe the landscape of resources that influence older adults and their behavioral health needs and to provide meaningful guidance for partnering across sectors to improve outcomes for diverse older adults.

Download this free resource HERE and join the E4 Center for an introductory webinar by the toolkit’s primary author, Bonnie Ewald, MA, along with E4 Center Scientific Lead, Stephen Bartels, MD, MS

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