October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month



October marks Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Every year, over 10 million people experience physical abuse from their intimate partners and survivors are at higher risk for mental health conditions. This month, and throughout the year, we remain committed to increasing awareness of resources to support the mental health workforce and the community.  


Below are some resources our Network has released that discuss domestic violence:


The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) also shares information on how you can raise awareness on domestic violence and get involved.  

  • Attend a Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM) event: Check out the HHS Administration for Children and Families Office of Family Violence Prevention and Services calendar of events and resources.
  • Participate in the Domestic Violence Awareness Project's social media campaign#1 Thing, which encourages everyone to do just one thing to raise awareness about domestic violence.
  • Attend the SAMHSA-funded National Training and Technical Assistance Center for Child, Youth, and Family Mental Health (NTTAC) Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Awareness Month Series: Sessions will be held every Monday throughout October at 1 p.m. ET. To Register (for all sessions):
    • October 16: But They Love Me -- Dating Violence and Young People
    • October 23: Supporting Systems to Support Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence
    • October 30: Best Practices for Mental Health Clinicians: How to Help Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence
  • Reach out for Help: Visit the free, confidential, 24/7 National Domestic Violence Hotline and the StrongHearts Native Helpline as well as SAMHSA’s Find Help webpage.
  • Remind survivors that recovery to live a fulfilling, productive and happy life is more than possible.


For more resources on domestic violence, you can visit the websites for the National Domestic Violence Hotline, National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma, and Mental Health, and the National Child Traumatic Stress Network.

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