Products and Resources Catalog

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On April 29th, we held an online discussion session led by Melissa Rowan, MSW, MBA, the Executive Vice President of Policy Implementation at the Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute.  To download the slides, click here.  To access the Payment Strategies for Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC) report mentioned in the presentation, click here. 
Published: April 29, 2020
Print Media
We have created state-by-state resources for people in recovery and those struggling with mental health challenges. We encourage you to take advantage of these resources and share them far and wide!
Published: April 28, 2020
Print Media
We have created state-by-state resources for people in recovery and those struggling with mental health challenges. We encourage you to take advantage of these resources and share them far and wide!
Published: April 28, 2020
Print Media
We have created state-by-state resources for people in recovery and those struggling with mental health challenges. We encourage you to take advantage of these resources and share them far and wide!
Published: April 28, 2020
Print Media
We have created state-by-state resources for people in recovery and those struggling with mental health challenges. We encourage you to take advantage of these resources and share them far and wide!
Published: April 28, 2020
Print Media
We have created state-by-state resources for people in recovery and those struggling with mental health challenges. We encourage you to take advantage of these resources and share them far and wide!
Published: April 28, 2020
Print Media
We have created state-by-state resources for people in recovery and those struggling with mental health challenges. We encourage you to take advantage of these resources and share them far and wide!
Published: April 28, 2020
Print Media
This guide features practical health and education resources in HHS Region 7 states — Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska — in response to a changing health and wellness landscape resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Please use these resources as you see fit or share with colleagues, patients or clients.   Author(s): Robinson, L./Mid-America MHTTC  
Published: April 27, 2020
  Michael Rowe, Professor of Psychiatry and Director of the Citizens Community Collaborative (CCC) at Yale Program for Recovery and Community Health (PRCH), discusses the concept of Citizenship, which is “an applied theoretical framework for the social inclusion and participation of people with mental illnesses.” In this video, he introduces the story of Jim, a man dealing with mental illness who led to the inception of the Citizenship program.
Published: April 27, 2020
Michael Rowe, Professor of Psychiatry and Director of the Citizens Community Collaborative (CCC) at Yale Program for Recovery and Community Health (PRCH), discusses the concept of Citizenship, which is “an applied theoretical framework for the social inclusion and participation of people with mental illnesses.” He introduces the concept of 5 Rs of Citizenship and Belonging - rights, responsibilities, roles, resources, and relationships “that society offers its recognized members, along with a sense of belonging that is validated by others”
Published: April 27, 2020
Print Media
This fact sheet briefly covers the peer support services and accreditation process available in North Carolina.
Published: April 27, 2020
Print Media
This fact sheet briefly covers the peer support services and accreditation processes available in Tennessee.
Published: April 27, 2020
Educar a los proveedores de servicios y organizaciones sobre la necesidad de atención para evitar la fatiga de la compasión. Objetivos: •Discutir la definición de Fatiga por Compasión (FC) y términos relacionados •Concienciación sobre los riesgos de desarrollar FC •Exponer la señales y/o síntomas de la fatiga por compasión •Discutir estrategias para protegernos y/o lidiar con la fatiga por compasión a nivel personal y organizacional.
Published: April 24, 2020
La situación económica, la aculturación, el discriminen, el ser deportado, el estatus migratorio y la inequidad en la provisión de servicios de salud mental son factores que frecuentemente afectan la salud de nuestras comunidades latinas que viven en los Estados Unidos. Este seminario web identificará y presentará estrategias de manejo de factores estresantes que pueden exacerbarse durante la cuarentena como resultado de brotes de enfermedades infecciosas. Además, proveerá enlaces a recursos para agencias, clientes y proveedores que ofrecen servicios de salud mental a los hispanos y latinos durante la pandemia. También se brindarán consideraciones especiales para atender la salud mental de los niños y jóvenes latinos.   Objetivos: 1. Identificar los factores estresantes particulares a la población hispana y latina. 2. Describir las destrezas de manejo del estrés, incluidas las habilidades de afrontamiento en persona y a larga distancia. 3. Explicar las consideraciones especiales con respecto a la telepsicología. 4. Listar las consideraciones que se deben tener para atender la salud mental de los jóvenes durante una pandemia.
Published: April 24, 2020
The Northwest Mental Health Technology Transfer Center and the Pacific Southwest MHTTC are collaborating to bring you A "Think Tank" Time: A Gathering of School Mental Health Practitioners to Surface School Mental Teleheath Needs and Resources. This event is part of The Well-Being Series - Connections During COVID-19: Mental Wellness Webinars for Families and Educators. Click here to learn more about our series of webinars for kids, parents, and educators, focusing on mental wellness and suicide prevention.  Description: For the past couple of months the Northwest and Pacific Southwest regions have been engaged in learning about the Interconnected Systems Framework - a structure and process to integrate PBIS and school mental health within school systems. This systems work is just as important now, as schools explore how to best provide school mental health, telehealth, and virtual student supports. This "think tank" workshop identifies the needs we are noticing; the resources in our field that can support those needs; and ways we can  develop tools and supports to fill the gaps. >> Learn more about the event and potential next steps here.    Audience: Educators, school counselors, social workers, psychologists; behavioral health agencies; student support services; state education entities; county Offices of Education; community-based organizations; technical assistance providers; field specialists, professors, thought leaders; and anyone else who would like to join.   Meeting Materials:  PowerPoint Presentation    Want more information and school mental health resources? Visit the Northwest MHTTC's School Mental Health page and sign up for our monthly newsletter for regular updates about events, trainings, and resources available to the Northwest region.
Published: April 24, 2020
  Week 1 Training #2: Telehealth:  Myths and Facts You Need to Know Access slides here Access Q&A from the webinar here Presenters: Cara Towle, MSN, RN, MA. Associate Director, Telepsychiatry, University of Washington Brad Felker, MD. VA Puget Sound Health Care System; Professor, University of Washington Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Marc Avery, MD. Principal Consultant, Health Management Associates Melody McKee, MS, SUDP. Program Director, Behavioral Health Training, Workforce and Policy Innovation Center, Behavioral Health Institute, University of Washington Rande Gray, Senior Computer Specialist, Telehealth Services, University of Washington Jennie Harvell, CQCT/HIT, M.Ed. Senior Advisor, Washington State Heath Care Authority Learning objectives: Review the definition of telehealth Review access to HCA laptops and Zoom accounts Review Zoom tips and functionality Review HIPAA regulations for telehealth Identify needs for further training and assistance  
Published: April 24, 2020
eNewsletter or Blog
The Northwest MHTTC invites you to read this special edition of our newsletter from April 2020, which compiles a variety of resources on the subject of providing care during the COVID-19 pandemic, including a virtual conference, a Telemental Health Toolkit, and guidance from leaders of First Episode Psychosis programs.
Published: April 24, 2020
eNewsletter or Blog
The Northwest MHTTC invites you to read our April newsletter. We invite you to engage in self-care and share some resources and supports from our partners and colleagues who have poignant messages of coping and staying resilient. We are pleased to share several new products including webinars on stigma reduction among people with HIV to improve health outcomes, culturally and linguistically responsive care for early psychosis and behavioral health crisis response systems.
Published: April 24, 2020
Print Media
This document contains frequently asked questions from the debut presentation of Telehealth Learning and Consultation (TLC) Tuesdays, for which the topic was telehealth basics.   Watch the webinar. Download the slides.   Author(s): Roberts, H., Higgins, W., Franta, E., Chadwell, M., Clarke, B.L., Robinson, L., Johnson, S./MMI and Mid-America MHTTC  
Published: April 23, 2020
Recovery from SMI has been studied and documented by researchers, practitioners, and individuals with lived experience around the world and across time. Recovery is real. Recovery can be supported by practices and services that encourage participant engagement, community inclusion, valued social roles, and overall wellness. This webinar series will introduce you to recovery from SMI and many of the evidence-based and promising practices that support recovery.  This session focuses on the role of health and wellness in recovery.   This webinar covers the following objectives: Identify common health concerns for people with mental health conditions Describe social determinants and lifestyle choices that influence health and wellness Identify a wellness approach to health Understand the relationship between health and recovery Discuss strategies to support health and wellness   Role of Health and Wellness in Recovery Webinar Recording Role of Health and Wellness in Recovery Powerpoint Slides
Published: April 23, 2020
eNewsletter or Blog
This issue of the Southeast MHTTC quarterly newsletter is focused on the COVID-19 Pandemic. In this issue, we offer helpful resources, weblinks, and webinars that are meant to provide support to clinicians and agencies during this challenging time.
Published: April 22, 2020
Print Media
This fact sheet provides an overview of how peer support and recovery specialists can maintain a connection with their clients, even during COVID-19. The difference between "social distancing" and "physical distancing" is explained, and peers are provided with important technological and social considerations that will be helpful as they seek to continue their services during the pandemic.
Published: April 22, 2020
  Week 1 Training #1:  Telehealth Nuts & Bolts Kick-Off Access slides here Access Q&A from webinar here Presenters: Cara Towle, MSN, RN, MA. Associate Director, Telepsychiatry, University of Washington Brad Felker, MD. VA Puget Sound Health Care System; Professor, University of Washington Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Marc Avery, MD. Principal Consultant, Health Management Associates Melody McKee, MS, SUDP. Program Director, Behavioral Health Training, Workforce and Policy Innovation Center, Behavioral Health Institute, University of Washington Rande Gray, Senior Computer Specialist, Telehealth Services, University of Washington Learning objectives: Review the definition of telehealth Review access to HCA laptops and Zoom accounts Review Zoom tips and functionality Review HIPAA regulations for telehealth Identify needs for further training and assistance  
Published: April 22, 2020
A public health crisis can cause distress for all involved, including providers of behavioral health services. Attending to your personal wellbeing during this time is just as important as supporting the individuals you serve. Providers are encouraged to be aware of the toll that working with others in distress can have on their own mental wellbeing. This webinar covers the following objectives: Recognize the impact of the current mental health crisis on provider wellbeing Identify the signs of distress and burnout Apply wellness strategies to address distress and burnout   Provider Wellbeing During a Public Health Crisis Recording - April 1, 2020 Provider Wellbeing During a Public Health Crisis Recording - April 21, 2020 Provider Wellbeing During a Public Health Crisis Powerpoint Slides
Published: April 21, 2020
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