Products and Resources Catalog

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Presentation Slides
Published: February 16, 2019
Print Media, Website
This one-page (double-sided) document gives an overview of the Great Lakes MHTTC, our goals, and key personnel. 
Published: February 12, 2019
Print Media, Website
In an effort to better understand the needs of providers within Region 5, the Great Lakes MHTTC surveyed providers in the states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin. Our partner subcontractors in each state (provider associations known as “nodes”) assisted us in sending the survey link to providers within their association e-mail list as well as to other behavioral health providers in their state. This 22 -item survey asked respondents to rank the importance of various training and technical assistance topics from a list of commonly used mental health evidence-based practices. 
Published: February 11, 2019
Multimedia, Website
Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Manifestations and Consequences for Persons with Psychosis or Other Serious and Persistent Mental Illness About this resource:  This pre-recorded webinar will teach clinicians about the important links among trauma, PTSD, and Serious Mental Illness (SMI) diagnoses. Clinicians will learn about the specific manifestations of trauma in this population, as well as the clinical, functional, and psychotherapeutic consequences of untreated PTSD among individuals with SMI. Finally, clinicians will learn about screening instruments and methods for assessing trauma exposure and PTSD among individuals with SMI. About the Trainer:  Jennifer Gottlieb, Ph.D., is a Diplomate in the Academy of Cognitive Therapy and a licensed clinical psychologist whose research and clinical work is dedicated to the development and implementation of effective psychotherapeutic interventions for psychosis, schizophrenia, and other severe psychiatric conditions. She earned her doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology from the University of Montana, completed her clinical internship at the University of California/San Diego VA, and has been on the faculty at Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School Department of Psychiatry Schizophrenia Program, Dartmouth Medical School, and Boston University.
Published: January 31, 2019
Print Media, Website
Check out the accompanying infographic as a quick go-to as you develop and implement your trauma-informed policy. This one-page graphic offers a refresher on the four choice points and guiding questions. The infographic is designed to be used along with the full guide to boost your planning and practice.
Published: January 31, 2019
Print Media, Website
Creating compassionate policies is a cornerstone strategy of educational leadership. This guide provides a deep dive into developing, implementing, and evaluating trauma-informed and compassionate school policies. It highlights four "choice points" for education and mental health leadership:   Choice Point 1: Names & Definitions Choice Point 2: Platforms & Levers Choice Point 3: Approach Choice Point 4: Match Process to Product   This guide is designed to be hands-on! Each choice point comes with examples, guiding questions for leadership, and practice suggestions to help policy come alive. Also, see the accompanying infographic.   The guide is written especially for Pacific Southwest states and islands, featuring extensive examples of policy and practice from the region.
Published: January 31, 2019
Print Media, Website
This is a listing of opportunities currently available from the South Southwest Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (SSW-MHTTTC) to enhance school-based mental health services and effective collaboration between schools and community-based mental health agencies.
Published: January 31, 2019
Print Media, Website
HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) and FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) are federal laws that protect health privacy and ensure that student records remain confidential. HIPAA and FERPA laws are crucial in protecting student and family health information when building school mental health referral pathways, integrated support systems, and student mental health structures. Some states and islands have implemented additional regulations to these federal laws. This month, we're releasing Part 1 of a two-part HIPAA and FERPA tool. Part 1 helps individuals in Hawai'i, California, Nevada and Arizona quickly access information about state-specific HIPAA and FERPA policies.
Published: January 17, 2019
Print Media, Website
The National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) serve as the guiding framework for this workforce diversity and inclusion policy assessment. The focus of this assessment is CLAS-driven, state-level legislation and federal mandates. This assessment identifies efforts to advance and sustain organizational governance and leadership that promotes CLAS and health equity. It includes a scan of CLAS-related policies in the Pacific Southwest, recommendations to improve CLAS implementation at the state and island level, and national and state resources.
Published: January 17, 2019
eNewsletter or Blog
To celebrate the new year and start of the legislative session for many Pacific Southwest states and islands, the January 2019 newsletter focuses on Policy & Practice. The resources and news included focus on recent policy, upcoming legislative action, and best implementation practices at the state, local, and organizational levels. Read on to find tools to inform policy- and decision-making.
Published: January 17, 2019
Print Media, Website
Workforce diversity improves access to health and health care for communities of color. This self-assessment is designed to help mental health organizations explore their implementation of workforce diversity strategies. It addresses six areas: Leadership and Governance; Recruitment; Orientation, Onboarding, and Ongoing Training; Retention and Professional Development; Communication; and Partnership and Community Goals.
Published: December 20, 2018
Multimedia, Website
This pre-recorded webinar session celebrates culture and communities, and explores community programs and practices that work and are helping people. The session explores how we collectively approach the concept of evidence, effectiveness of practices, and the role of communities in achieving positive outcomes for individuals experiencing mental health conditions. This discussion is intended for clinicians, mental health program providers, evaluators, and others.  
Published: December 20, 2018
Print Media, Website
The Pacific Southwest MHTTC Suicide Prevention addendum provides resources specific to the states and islands in our region. The resources compiled here focus on crisis intervention services that can meet immediate student needs, including crisis intervention services; linkages to no- and low-cost counseling; support groups; peer services; and trainings for educators.
Published: November 15, 2018
Print Media, Website
The Trauma-Informed and Resiliency-Oriented Schools Professional Development Opportunities addendum lists organizations and agencies that provide trauma-informed, resilience-oriented training and professional development for schools and school communities. We provide these referrals to help school leadership select the right partner to support what evidence-based program to implement, as well as how and why to do so.
Published: November 15, 2018
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