Home > Skills for Psychological Recovery (SPR) for Direct Service Providers Learning Community with Trauma Recovery Innovations
The Northwest MHTTC is pleased to partner with the Program for Trauma Recovery Innovations (TRI) to deliver Skills for Psychological Recovery-related resources and training to Region 10 providers.
Calls begin the week of January 11, 2021, and conclude the week of June 14, 2021.
Michele Bedard-Gilligan, PhD is an Associate Professor in the UW Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and the co-director of the Trauma Recovery Innovations program. Her program of research focuses on understanding response to traumatic events, with a focus on alcohol and substance misuse, and on building and testing interventions designed to promote recovery following trauma exposure. She is also a licensed clinical psychologist and maintains an active clinical practice.
Emily R. Dworkin, PhD, is a licensed clinical psychologist and an Acting Assistant Professor at the University of Washington School of Medicine. Her research focuses on trauma recovery, with a focus on identifying strategies to promote resilience and understanding the role of social relationships in post-trauma outcomes.
Kristen Lindgren, PhD is a Professor in the UW Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and the Director of the Trauma Recovery Innovations program. Her research interests include addictions, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), sexuality, and relationships. Her work focuses on investigating implicit (i.e., non-conscious or automatic) cognitive processes that contribute to the development and maintenance of maladaptive behavior and psychopathology. She also serves as a consultant for dissemination projects aimed at training community-based mental health workers in Cognitive Processing Therapy and other evidence-based treatment for PTSD locally, nationally, and internationally.
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