Weathering the Storm: Adaptive Leadership Part 3

After The Storm

Leading in the mental health system requires us to navigate continuously changing and evolving regulations and mandates. Leaders need to review, prioritize, and may also need to reassess certain projects/programs while initiating others. This environment proves particularly challenging when the needs of communities in the Pacific Southwest region are varied and shifting. This session will cover how adaptive leaders in mental health can effectively manage change, consider diverse perspectives, and address multiple competing needs.

This webinar is part three of three in the series titled, "Weathering the Storm: Adaptive Leadership for Resilient Mental Health Organizations in the Pacific Southwest." Please see a description of the series below and additionally, you can view the full schedule on the main event page.  

Innovative Leadership Strategies for Mental Health Professionals

Leading mental health organizations, programs and initiatives can prove challenging in the best of times. Meeting the needs of clients in the diverse Pacific Southwest, while effectively navigating the field’s evolving best practices, policies, and funding requires innovative, resilient, and adaptable leadership at all levels. COVID-19’s impact on both our personal and professional lives exacerbates the need for these skills.  The Adaptive Leadership Framework facilitates evolution and growth in response to change and challenge. Join us as we explore the principles of Adaptive Leadership, and how you can apply the framework to lead more effectively. During this three-part series, participants will:

  • Learn the principles of Adaptive Leadership and how to implement them in mental health work
  • Identify strategies for engaging others to initiate, make, and sustain change
  • Apply Adaptive Leadership principles to “weather the storm,” lead effectively, and prioritize well-being during challenging times.
Starts: Jun 30, 2021 3:00 pm
Ends: Jun 30, 2021 4:30 pm
Registration Deadline
June 29, 2021
Event Type
Webinar/Virtual Training
Hosted by
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