School Mental Health Professional Series

School Mental Health Professional Series 

This is a bi-weekly group for school counselors, social workers, and psychologists formed to address the current and immediate needs of school mental health professionals in Region 8, due to the pandemic. Participants will meet every other week and receive training on different topics related to school mental health before walking through a case presentation. This is a closed group. If you are interested in similar programming, please contact Stefanie Winfield at [email protected].

Session Dates and Topics

May 4, Suicide Screening Remotely

Erin Briley, MA, with the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE), provided a brief overview of the considerations for remote suicide screening and prevention during quarantine as well as an overview of best practices for suicide screening.


May 18, Coping in Unprecedented Times

Liza Tupa, PhD, with the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE), addressed coping skills for adults during the time of COVID-19. She provided concrete skills and strategies that address harmful or unproductive thinking.


June 1, Trauma-Informed Practices at Home

Sarah Younggren, LCSW, with Mental Health Colorado, discussed the ways in which the current pandemic has increased stress levels and impacted the mental health of both children and adults. Unique suggestions and resources for trauma-informed parenting were provided.


June 15, Telehealth with Youth

Mindy Chadwell, PhD, with Mid-America MHTTC, offered tips and suggestions for providing telehealth services to adolescents. Considerations for transitioning back to school and family engagement in telehealth services were also discussed.


June 29, Planning for School Mental Health Supports

Sharon Hoover, PhD, with the National Center for School Mental Health, discussed considerations for returning to school using an "always and now" framework for school mental health. Participants were provided with an overview of the Multi-tier System of Support and how it can be applied to the coming return to school

Starts: Jul 8, 2020 12:30 pm
Ends: Jul 8, 2020 1:00 pm
Registration Deadline
July 8, 2020
Event Type
Webinar/Virtual Training
Hosted by
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