Home > COVID's Disproportionate Impact on Youth Now and Tomorrow
The Northwest MHTTC School Mental Health team is excited to co-sponsor COVID's Disproportionate Impact on Youth Now and Tomorrow. The League of Education Voters champions an education system that provides every student in the state an equal opportunity for success from cradle to career.
COVID-19 has illuminated many areas of inequity in our educational system. Not every student has had the same access online. Not every family has had the resources or time needed to support students in remote and hybrid learning. We are still learning how deep these impacts are on students. And the mental health impacts of the pandemic are significant for students, caregivers, and educators.
Yet we also have an opportunity to have critical conversations and develop solutions together.
Join us on October 7, 2021 for a statewide virtual FREE convening around supporting students impacted by COVID.
First, we will hear from former U.S. Education Secretary Dr. John B. King, Jr., President of The Education Trust, and Dr. Vin Gupta, Public Health Physician, Professor, Health Policy Expert and regular health policy analyst for NBC News, MSNBC, and contributor to the New York Times and CNN, exploring the academic and mental health impacts on students during the pandemic.
Then, join us as we break into groups to discuss how we can support students across Washington state moving forward.
>>> Watch Event Recording Here! <<<
Spanish interpretation and closed captioning in English will be available.
Want more information and school mental health resources? Visit the Northwest MHTTC's School Mental Health page and sign up for our newsletter for regular updates about events, trainings, and resources available to the Northwest region.