All Patients Safe - Suicide Prevention for Healthcare Professionals in Idaho | Year 4

All Patients Safe - Suicide Prevention Training Scholarships

Idaho's Suicide Prevention State Plan workgroup is pleased to launch this effort to support Idaho healthcare providers.

Suicide is preventable.

Overall, 64% of patients made some type of healthcare visit within one month before attempting suicide.

Idaho is consistently among the states with the highest suicide rates. In 2019, Idaho had the 11th highest suicide rate in the U.S., with a rate of 20.4 per 100,00 people, more than 1.5 times the national average. The Northwest MHTTC is partnering with our Idaho colleagues to provide All Patients Safe training to a part of the region's workforce specifically based on the rates and prevalence of suicide.

All Patients Safe is a three- or six-hour interactive, self-paced training course designed to provide the necessary tools to medical providers for preventing and educating patients about suicide. This course was developed in response to the public health crisis that is suicide; leading experts and health care organizations through Forefront Suicide Prevention (University of WA) collaborated to develop All Patients Safe: Suicide Prevention for Medical Professionals. 

The 3-hour course is for everyone. It teaches you to:

  • Understand your role in suicide prevention
  • Effectively educate patients and clients on how to make their homes safer
  • Integrate suicide prevention approaches into your personal and professional life

The 6-hour course is for Medical Professionals. It contains all the content from the 3-hour course, plus how to:

  • Integrate screening, safety, and assessment tools into your practice
  • Advocate for protocol and practice changes to improve suicide prevention care

Each self-paced training module includes:

  • Real patient stories
  • Model provider-patient interactions
  • Interactive patient exercises with feedback
3 or 6 hours of complimentary CME and CNE credits available.

Costs for access/CMEs are sponsored by the Northwest MHTTC for those who complete the course & evaluation.


Priority for access to this resource will be given to those who can register, complete the course, and complete the evaluation.


If you have questions, please email: [email protected]

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Starts: Aug 15, 2021 12:00 am
Ends: Aug 14, 2022 12:00 am
Registration Deadline
July 31, 2022
Event Type
Online Course
Hosted by
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