MHTTC Screening: Camouflage Closet

On the 10 year anniversary of the repeal of the U.S. Military’s Don’t Ask, Don’t’ Tell policy, PS MHTTC invites you to attend a virtual film screening of the critically acclaimed film “The Camouflage Closet” on January 28, 2021 from 3pm PST/ 1pm HST to 5pm PST/ 3pm HST (event registration link is here). The Camouflage Closet features 9 LGBT Veterans who were provided cameras, training, and tools to create video narratives about their experiences with trauma, PTSD, suicide, and recovery. Join us to learn about the mental health needs and resilience of LGBT Veterans and strengthen ties between community-based behavioral health providers and Veterans Affairs LGBT Veteran Care Coordinators and Suicide Prevention Coordinators.


Heliana Ramirez headshotFollowing the film screening, PS MHTTC Associate Project Director and Producer of The Camouflage Closet Heliana Ramirez, PhD, LISW, will discuss LGBT Veteran mental health and culturally responsive care and facilitate a Q&A with the audience. Join us to learn about the LGBT Veteran Care and Suicide Prevention programs at Veterans Health Administrations across the Pacific Southwest.






Starts: Jan 28, 2021 3:00 pm
Ends: Jan 28, 2021 5:00 pm
Registration Deadline
January 28, 2021
Event Type
Webinar/Virtual Training
Hosted by
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