¡Unidos!: Celebrating Mental Health Resiliency in El Paso's Hispanic Community 

This event will provide a space for parents, teachers, students, and mental health providers from El Paso to come together and share their knowledge and experience of overcoming the Walmart mass shooting. The conference aims to inspire a collaborative environment celebrating the resiliency, strengths, and support systems that fostered healing and care among members of El Paso's Hispanic community.  Presentations and resources will include information on mental health, trauma-informed approaches, gun violence prevention, and community-centered practices. 

Attendees will be able to: 

 Form part of an educational symposium on trauma and resiliency including:  

- Training and education for local community mental health providers and families on trauma, resiliency, ways to increase protective factors for mental and physical health  

 - Health fair for the community with health screenings and information on local mental health resources.   

Celebrate the resiliency of the Hispanic El Paso Community by: 

- Providing a safe environment for the community to celebrate culturally-grounded practices and traditions to increase well-being  

- Creating an atmosphere for improved connection within the community.



8:00AM – 9:00AM     Registration

9:00AM - 9:30AM      Welcome

                                 Diane Arms, MA, National Hispanic and Latino MHTTC Consultant       

9:10AM – 9:30AM     Post Traumatic Response and Developing a Safe Space

                                 Diana Parra, PhD

9:30AM – 10:15AM   Opening Key Note Presentation

                                 Congresswoman Veronica Escobar

10:15AM – 10:30AM  Morning Break / Networking - Exhibition Hall

10:30AM – 11:45AM  Break Out Sessions (Simultaneously):

                                  Diana Parra Perez, PhD - Finding Health and Wellness as a Mental Health Provider after a community trauma

                                  Julie Priego, MS - Connecting Families in Times of Crisis

                                  Nancy Razo, PhD – Building Resilient Students

11:45AM – 12:00PM  Networking - Exhibition Hall

12:00PM – 1:30PM    Working Lunch and Panel – Behind the Scenes Synergy

                                  Diane Arms, NHLMHTTC, MA - Moderator NHLMHTTC

                                  Cathy Gaytan, LCSW-S - Chief Executive Officer El Paso Child Guidance Center

                                  Elia Martinez – Chief of Human Service Del Sol Medical Center

                                  Rene Hurtado – Chief of Staff Emergence Health Network

                                  Pastor Michael Grady – Board Member, Border Network of Human Rights

1:30PM – 1:45PM      Afternoon Break / Networking - Exhibition Hall

1:45PM – 3:45PM      Table Talks – What is resiliency?  

                                   Mental Health Providers




3:45PM – 4:15PM      Celebration and Evaluation

4:30PM – 5:00PM      Networking – Exhibition Hall


Download Agenda: Click here

Starts: Aug 4, 2023 7:30 am
Ends: Aug 4, 2023 4:30 pm
Registration Deadline
August 2, 2023
Event Type
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