The first 100 registrants can attend the live webinar. Webinars will be recorded and posted on the Northwest MHTTC website within a few days and links will be sent out through our mailing list. Each webinar requires separate registration. Register only if you plan to attend the live webinar and consider joining in a central location if multiple people from your school, district or organization plan to attend.
Webinar #5: Supports for Teachers Affected by Trauma (STAT)
Times: 11-12:30 p.m. PT / 10-11:30 a.m. AK / 12-1:30pm MT
This webinar will address the impact of traumatic stress on educators. The webinar is designed to teach educators and other school staff about signs and symptoms of burnout, compassion fatigue, and secondary traumatic stress (STS). It will review risk factors for STS and provide educators with strategies to prevent or mitigate STS. Finally, the webinar will address system wide approaches to address STS including ways that teachers can help other teachers reach out when they recognize that a colleague may be exhibiting signs of STS.
Learn more about the six-part series and access the recorded webinar and presentation materials here.
Presenter Bios
Steve Hydon, MSW, EdD is a clinical professor in field education and serves as chair of the Pupil Personnel Services Credential program. His interests are in child welfare, secondary traumatic stress and social work practice in schools. Hydon developed a secondary traumatic stress survey for teachers and mental health practitioners in schools and is a consultant to the U.S. Department of Education as an educator resilience facilitator. He has trained nationwide on secondary traumatic stress, compassion fatigue, educator resilience and the Psychological First Aid - Listen, Protect, Connect, Model, and Teach curriculum for school personnel. He is a member of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network and the Trauma and Services Adaptation Center for Resiliency, Hope and Wellness in Schools. He also serves as the liaison to the NCTSN’s Terrorism and Disaster Center and sits on the board of the American Council on School Social Work. Previously, he served as a board member of the School Social Work Association of America and was vice president of the California Association of School Social Workers for more than seven years.
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