May Observances


National Mental Health Month

Mental health is an integral part of overall wellness. This month promotes awareness of mental health and seeks to reduce stigma associated with mental illness and treatment.


May is Borderline Personality Disorder Awareness Month

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is an illness marked by an ongoing pattern of varying moods, self-image, and behavior.


Asian and Pacific American Heritage Month

This month, we celebrate the vibrant Asian and Pacific Islander communities and honor their contributions to the United States.

NAAPIMHA LogoThe National Asian American Pacific Islander Mental Health Association (NAAPIMHA) promotes the mental health and well being of the Asian American and Pacific Islander communities. Since its founding, NAAPIMHA strives to raise awareness of the role of mental health in an individual’s health and well-being, especially in Asian American Pacific Islander communities throughout the country. For more information, visit their home page.

White House Initiative on AAPI LogoOn May 28, 2021, President Joe Biden signed Executive Order 14031, "Advancing Equity, Justice, and Opportunity for Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders" to establish the White House Initiative on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (WHIAANHPI) and deliver on his commitment to reinstate and reinvigorate this historic Initiative. For more information, visit their home page.


Organizations offering resources for the Asian and Pacific Islander Communities:


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Maternal Mental Health Month

Perinatal mood disorders are the most common medical complication associated with childbearing. This month brings awareness of that statistic and of maternal mental health resources.


April 29 - May 5 is Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week

This week brings awareness to postpartum mental health.

The first full week in May is Maternal Mental Health awareness week, and focuses specifically on the mental health of mothers. Often called the “baby blues” and officially known as postpartum depression, the time after having a baby can be a difficult mental health time for moms. This week aims to raise awareness to mothers and other community members about postpartum mental health, and encourage new mothers to seek help if they are having mental health struggles.


May 9 is National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day

This day raises awareness about the importance of positive mental health in a child's emotional development.


May 12 - 18 is National Prevention Week

National Prevention Week brings together communities to promote substance use prevention and positive mental health through engagement and education.


May 12 - 18 is Women's Health Week

This week brings awareness to women's health disparities and encourages women to take control of their health.


May 16 is Mental Health Action Day

Mental Health Action Day aims to move the culture of mental health awareness further by encouraging action. By actively seeking out resources and advocating for change, you can take action for yourself, your loved ones and your communities.

  • The Mental Health Action Network brings together nonprofits, government agencies, brands and communities to advocate for positive mental health action.
  • NAMI offers a number of events, groups and other ways to take action across the country.

May 24 is World Schizophrenia Day

Celebrate the resilience of the people who carry a diagnosis of schizophrenia and reflect on everything that mental health professionals, researchers, and peer activists have accomplished to advance psychosis-related care.  Much work remains to lift the stigma surrounding this condition and to create a more just end equitable world for people diagnosed with serious mental illness.

  • Learn more about schizophrenia from the National Institute of Mental Health.
  • Schizophrenia is a common condition affecting approximately 1% of the world’s population, characterized by a group of symptoms collectively called psychosis, which can include strange or illogical thoughts and/or unusual perceptions like hearing voices. Schizophrenia most commonly emerges in late adolescence or early adulthood, and it is not uncommon for people diagnosed with schizophrenia to experience a range of other symptoms, such as difficulties concentrating, trouble staying organized, or decreased motivation and enthusiasm. While these symptoms can present challenges, schizophrenia is a highly treatable condition. Psychosis can be understood and modified through a wide range of specialized, evidence-based treatments, and persons diagnosed with schizophrenia can live full, meaningful lives pursuing what matters to them.



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