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SAMHSA's Region 3 Central East Mental Health Technology Transfer Center partnered with Advocates for Human Potential, Inc. (AHP) to develop Black and Latinx Perinatal PTSD: What Behavioral Health Providers Need to Know. This four-session virtual training series aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of perinatal post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), specifically in the context of Black and Latinx […]
Published: 06/04/2024
Children and adolescents may need support managing anxiety, fear and feelings of uncertainty as the crisis in Ukraine escalates. Here we've compiled a list of resources to assist caregivers, educators and school mental health professionals in supporting children and adolescents during this unprecedented time. MHTTC Resources How to Talk to Students about Trauma and Violence […]
Published: 03/03/2022
  National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)-funded researchers have developed a computerized adaptive screener to identify youth at risk for attempting suicide. The screener, called the computerized adaptive screen for suicidal youth (CASSY), consists of 11 questions on average and correctly identified 82.4% of youth who went on to attempt suicide in the three months […]
Published: 01/26/2021
The Southeast MHTTC launched two interactive maps that show clinical, cultural, geographic, workforce, and health system indicators. One map shows the potential impact of telehealth on mental health care access, and the other shows Hispanic and Latinx communities in relation to mental health facilities providing services in Spanish. *Note that both maps feature an HHS Regional […]
Published: 01/22/2021
The Northwest MHTTC and the Pacific Southwest MHTTC collaborated in September of 2020 in the midst of unprecedented wildfires on the West Coast to provide a special virtual town hall on school mental health leadership in times of wildfire. Six principals, superintendents, county and state office of education leaders from Washington State, California, and Oregon who have experienced wildfire […]
Published: 11/03/2020
When Monsters Live with Us: Reflections on the Impact of the Intersection of Structural Inequities, COVID-19 and Intimate Partner Violence in Young Children in Latin American Families - REGISTER HERE! Based on a framing that integrates social justice, diversity, and trauma-informed practices, this webinar will provide an overview of the impact of the intersection of […]
Published: 10/21/2020
We are excited to announce that the Northeast and Caribbean MHTTC will be hosting a virtual conference, Supporting School Mental Health in the Wake of COVID-19, on August 19th and 20th. Join us for a two-day conference for K-12 educators, staff, and administrators focused on strategies to support student and educator mental health as they […]
Published: 08/04/2020
The Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities (MHDD) National Training Center is a collaboration between the University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities at the University of Kentucky, University of Alaska Anchorage, and Utah State University. Established in 2018 through funding provided by the Administration for Community Living, we work to improve mental health services and supports for […]
Published: 07/29/2020
The National Health Service Corps (NHSC) is currently accepting applications to approve new health care facilities in their network. By becoming an NHSC-approved site, eligible clinicians at your health care facility can apply for an NHSC loan repayment award. You can also recruit NHSC scholarship recipients to work for you. In addition, NHSC-approved sites have […]
Published: 06/18/2020
About this Resource:  Life, as we knew it just a few weeks ago, has been completely turned upside down. That feeling you are feeling but can’t seem to describe in words may be grief. People are experiencing the loss of jobs, school, hugs, social connections, sports, graduations, weddings, funerals, it seems that every area of our […]
Published: 06/08/2020
On Thursday, June 18, 2020 from 10:30 a.m. – 4:45 p.m. ET, join SAMHSA’s Homeless and Housing Resource Network (HHRN) for a day of learning from nearly two dozen national experts, policy makers, and providers in large plenaries and smaller concurrent sessions. No travel is required—attend directly from your own internet-connected computer. Join us for the […]
Published: 06/08/2020
The National Center of Excellence for Eating Disorders (NCEED) just launched their Training Center! The Training Center was developed to equip healthcare providers with evidence-based interventions for eating disorders through novel training content and the dissemination of existing trainings in collaboration with other approved organizations. Please take advantage of the offered trainings and FREE continuing education […]
Published: 05/28/2020
Practicing one's culture promotes well-being. In this postcard series, developed by the National American Indian and Alaska Native MHTTC and National Hispanic and Latino MHTTC, we explore how Latinx and Native people use cultural elements such as community pride, family, spirituality, and resiliency to live safe, happy, and healthy lives. To access this product, click […]
Published: 05/18/2020
May is Military Appreciation Month and SAMHSA’s Service Members, Veterans, and their Families (SMVF) Technical Assistance (TA) Center is eager to acknowledge the ongoing dedication of our military and their families, especially amid the COVID-19 pandemic. As communities across the country are under shelter in place orders to help stop the spread of the novel […]
Published: 05/15/2020
Millions of Americans face the reality of living with a mental illness. That is why in May, hundreds of organizations across the country are raising awareness of mental health. Inspire others to raise awareness and take part in sharing information, resources and support for mental health conditions. Below is a list of national mental health organizations […]
Published: 04/29/2020
On March 17, 2020, the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) at the U.S Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced, effective immediately, that it will exercise its enforcement discretion and will waive potential penalties for HIPAA violations against health care providers that serve patients through everyday communications technologies during the COVID-19 nationwide public health […]
Published: 03/17/2020
SAMHSA is pleased to share its National Guidelines for Mental Health Crisis Care: A Best Practices Toolkit. Crisis services are an integral component of addressing mental illness in communities across the nation. These guidelines are intended to assist states and communities with the development and implementation of effective crisis services and systems. Download the National Guidelines […]
Published: 03/04/2020
The updated SHAPE system is here! The SHAPE System, developed by the National Center for School Mental Health (NCSMH) team at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, is a free, private, web-based portal that offers a virtual workspace for school mental health teams at school, district, and state levels to document, track, and advance […]
Published: 01/14/2020
Students of all ages have unmet mental health needs that affect their performance in school. How can educators and school personnel respond to the mental health needs of students? What do educators and school personnel need to know about child and adolescent mental health? Where can school districts, schools, and staff access training on how […]
Published: 01/14/2020
12:00pm - November 13, 2019 | Timezone: US/Central Hosted by the National American Indian and Alaska Native MHTTC. This event is an Adobe Connect webinar.  If it can’t be measured, is it real? Utilizing the Hocoka Wakan, the Sacred Circle, to sustain balance as Indigenous Peoples belonging to a greater Oyate (Whole). Providing meaningful psychological and health care […]
Published: 11/08/2019
This guide supports health care providers, systems, and communities to address first-episode psychosis and co-occurring substance use disorders. It describes relevant research, examines emerging and best practices, identifies knowledge gaps and implementation challenges, and offers resources. Click here for more information and click here to download the guide. 
Published: 10/28/2019
The National Institute of Mental Health (NIH) recently announced the winners of their Speaking Up About Mental Health national essay challenge, which was designed to spur conversations about mental health and encourage youth to seek help for mental health issues. Ten winners and two honorable mentions were selected from among more than 160 teens from across the U.S. and […]
Published: 10/01/2019
The Central East MHTTC is hosting the following webinar on October 16, 2pm EDT, to provide Parent Peer Support (PPS) services that help parents who have children with special needs find and become reliable allies for each other. Parent support providers bring expertise based on their own experience parenting children or youth with social, emotional, behavioral, or substance use […]
Published: 09/30/2019
Tobacco use is widespread among individuals with serious mental illness (SMI), and the high prevalence of tobacco-related mortality among them is well-documented. Research shows that individuals with SMI who smoke are as interested in quitting as those without SMI, and can do so without jeopardizing their mental health recovery. There is a critical need to engage mental health program directors and […]
Published: 09/30/2019
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