Products and Resources Catalog

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The transition to parenthood is a life-changing experience with significant physical and psychological adjustments for the entire family. Many parents experience mood changes and feel overwhelmed during pregnancy and/or after the birth of their child. Many health and mental health care professionals do not receive training on helping new parents identify and manage mental health symptoms. Developed by the MHTTC Network's Perinatal Mental Health Coordination Group, this document is designed to help health and mental health professionals support persons who may be experiencing mental health symptoms and disorders during the prenatal and postpartum periods.
Published: February 4, 2022
Presentation Slides
View Session Recording The Northeast and Caribbean Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) at Rutgers University will provide monthly webinars to support you in developing your school-based mental health services and supports. During these sessions, the MHTTC in collaboration with school mental health experts and New Jersey district exemplars will focus on the following core features of effective school mental health: Developing your Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Needs Assessment and Resource Mapping Establishing Universal Prevention Establishing Tiered Supports (Tier 2 & Tier 3) System Partners Risk Assessment Funding Comprehensive School-based Mental Health Staff Self-Care
Published: February 3, 2022
View Slide Deck The Northeast and Caribbean Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) at Rutgers University will provide monthly webinars to support you in developing your school-based mental health services and supports. During these sessions, the MHTTC in collaboration with school mental health experts and New Jersey district exemplars will focus on the following core features of effective school mental health: Developing your Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Needs Assessment and Resource Mapping Establishing Universal Prevention Establishing Tiered Supports (Tier 2 & Tier 3) System Partners Risk Assessment Funding Comprehensive School-based Mental Health Staff Self-Care
Published: February 3, 2022
Print Media
En medio del actual distanciamiento social del COVID-19 y las órdenes de quedarse en casa, muchos proveedores de salud mental han cambiado rápidamente sus interacciones primarias con los clientes a un compromiso remoto una plataforma remota. Para algunos, esto significa usar una plataforma de videoconferencia para simular una reunión en persona. Sin embargo, para muchas personas el acceso a una computadora o tableta y un servicio de internet confiable no es disponible. Para estas personas puede ser necesario interactuar con ellos principalmente, o únicamente, a través del teléfono mediante llamadas de voz o mensajes de textos. Esta herramienta proporcionará información sobre las estrategias para un compromiso de calidad con los clientes que utilizan el teléfono. Esta guía puede aplicarse a su trabajo durante la emergencia de salud pública del COVID-19, así como cuando se comuniqué con clientes que pueden vivir en zonas remotas, rurales y de difícil acceso. Tenga en cuenta que es mejor hablar con la administración de su agencia para determinar cualquier problema o preocupación con la prestación de servicios a distancia, incluyendo, pero no limitado a, el cumplimiento de la HIPAA (Ley de transferencia y responsabilidad de seguros de salud conocido como HIPAA), el reembolso de servicios y las autorizaciones de cuidado.
Published: February 3, 2022
Print Media
Una crisis de salud pública puede causar angustia a todos los involucrados, includios los proveedores de servicios de salud del comportamiento. Atender su bienestar personal durante este tiempo es tan importante como apoyar a las personas a las que sirve. Se anima a los proveedores a que tengan en cuenta la carga que puede suponer para su propio bienestar mental el trabajar con otras personas que sufren.
Published: February 3, 2022
Print Media
Se ha pedido a los educadores que desempeñen muchas funciones durante esta crisis de salud pública. Han tenido que adaptarse a nuevos entornos de aprendizaje, brindar apoyo emocional a los estudiantes, mantener la comunicación con los padres, cuidar de sí mismos y de sus familias, entre otras responsabilidades. Al mismo tiempo, están experimentando ansiedad y preocupación por la crisis de salud pública junto con el resto de la comunidad. A continuación, se presentan algunas herramientas de ayuda.
Published: February 3, 2022
Print Media
El desarrollo laboral es uno de los ocho principios de los servicios de Empleo con Apoyo (SE). El desarrollo laboral se define como un conjunto de habilidades que utilizan para desarrollar y construir relaciones con la comunidad empresarial. Es un elemento importante para proporcionar servicios de empleo eficaces. Los servicios que incorporan el desarrollo laboral tienen resultados laborales más exitosos. Un componente clave de los servicios de desarrollo laboral es presentarse a sí mismo y a sus servicios de empleo a un empleador potencial. Muchos especialistas en empleo se preparan para esta reunión creando un discurse de elevador para usar al presentarse y practicando cómo responder a las preguntas difíciles que un empleador pueda hacer.
Published: February 3, 2022
Alcohol is STILL a Drug: An Exploratory Webinar Series (February 1, 2022) Recording     The Great Lakes A/MH/PTTC is offering this training for individuals working in HHS Region 5: IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI. This training is being provided in response to a need identified by Region 5 stakeholders.   DESCRIPTION  Alcohol is STILL a drug.  The opioid crisis, increase in stimulant misuse, and marijuana legalization dominate the news— yet alcohol remains the number one substance causing health, social, legal and financial problems throughout the US.  While this series will focus on the hopefulness of recovery from alcohol use disorder, we’ll also take a deep dive into what we know about the full impact of alcohol overuse and the ways it affects every person in the US.   February 2022 Session: LGBTQ+ Youth and Alcohol Use Despite gains in LGBTQ+ civil rights laws, queer youth continue to experience disparities in health, safety, and SUD issues. This virtual presentation will present what you need to know as a provider about queer youth and alcohol.     SERIES LEARNING OBJECTIVES These are the overall learning objectives for the full 10-session series:  Summarize the current impacts of problematic alcohol use in various/special populations, including pregnant women, youth, rural, and minority populations.  Assess and prioritize alcohol reduction efforts in targeted settings.  Describe the current efforts to curb problematic alcohol use, including best practices in providing treatment.    SPEAKER   De’An Roper, PhD, LCSW-S  pronouns she, her, hers    De’An Roper is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and is an Assistant Professor of Practice in the School of Social Work at University of Texas at Arlington. Prior to her academic career, Dr. Roper worked in various systems of care for more than two decades. Her early experience was shaped by working in the LGBTQ+ community during the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Later her direct practice included working in criminal justice environments developing treatment programs for people diagnosed with co-occurring disorders. Dr. Roper’s areas of practice expertise include program development, LGBTQ+ cultural competence, service team development and, she provides advanced clinical supervision. Her research interests include, sexual and gender minority health disparities, health risk behaviors, substance abuse, mental health and criminal justice systems. 
Published: February 3, 2022
/*-->*/ /*--> Coordinated specialty care for early psychosis is an evidence-based treatment model aimed at fostering resilience and recovery for individuals who have experienced a first episode of psychosis or are at clinical high risk for developing psychosis. Each webinar will be co-presented by a professional with expertise in that component of care, as well as an individual with lived experience who can speak to how this aspect of care was meaningful in their journey towards recovery. This series is geared towards any individuals that are new to working on an Early Psychosis Specialty Team – including students, clinicians, prescribers, supported employment specialists, family clinicians, and peer specialists.   Presenter:  /*-->*/ /*--> Patrick Kaufmann  
Published: February 3, 2022
To watch the recording, go to:     The New England MHTTC's School Mental Health Initiative is excited to announce our Healthcare workers and Educators Addressing and Reducing Trauma (HEART) Webinar Series and Community of Practice!   Educators, healthcare workers, mental and behavioral health providers, and staff of community-based organizations are invited to monthly webinars and peer support hours about: Building and Maintaining a Comprehensive School Mental Health System Effective Collaborations Funding and Logistics Stakeholder Voice, Engagement, and Advocacy Equity Considerations   Earn up to 5 hours of CEUs for this 5-month series!   1st Thursday: Evidence-based Practices to Enhance Efficacy In these 60-minute sessions, experts in education, mental health, and healthcare from New England will share the evidence-based practices they have used to forge and maintain successful collaborations around comprehensive school mental health systems.   3rd Thursday: Peer Support Hours to Learn from One Another and Receive Technical Assistance For these 60-minute sessions, members of the community of practice are invited to share their own experiences around the month's topic and ask questions about specific challenges.
Published: February 3, 2022
Print Media
The National American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Technology Transfer Center would like to share with you Volume 3, Issue 2 of our newsletter, Mental Health in our Native American Communities for Winter 2022: Resilience: What it is and how to foster it in yourself and others. Please take some time to explore this issue.
Published: February 3, 2022
Recording of the Rock Recovery-led event, Health at Every Size - The Way to Healing from Diet Culture and Body Dissatisfaction, originally held February 2, 2022.   Presentation slides.
Published: February 2, 2022
Presentation Slides
Download the presentation slides here How do we ensure the long-lasting impact of what we’ve achieved through our school mental health grant? What do we need to have in place to sustain school mental health infrastructure moving forward? This panel discussion focused on state-level examples of the planning, design, and implementation process that supports sustainable and scalable school mental health systems. Panelists included leaders from two state education agencies with experience navigating the navigating changing landscape needs and availability of resources; building statewide school mental health infrastructure; and coordinating a variety of federally funded initiatives (e.g., AWARE, School Climate Transformation grants). There were specific examples related to social emotional learning (SEL) in schools, and multi-tiered systems of support (i.e., PBIS). In this virtual learning session, panelists shared lessons learned and participants engaged in peer-to-peer discussion. This is the second part of the Southeast MHTTC series on sustainability. Check out Part 1 at this link.
Published: February 2, 2022
Print Media
  Health providers are at significant risk for stress and burnout compared to the general population. This can lead to conditions such as insomnia, anxiety, substance use and feelings of depression. Add the burdens of COVID-19, grief and other losses and we see health provider suicide rates increasing. We can all make a difference to intervene and potentially save a life. En Español Related Products: Peer Support for Healthcare Providers Taking Care of Yourself While Taking Care of Others
Published: February 2, 2022
Print Media
Los proveedores de servicios de salud presentan un riesgo significativo de estrés y quemazón laboral en comparación con la población en general, lo que puede provocar condiciones de salud mental como insomnio, ansiedad, consumo de sustancias y sentimientos de depresión. Agregue a eso la carga del COVID-19, el dolor y otras pérdidas, las tasas de suicidio en proveedores de salud están aumentando. ¡Todos podemos hacer la diferencia!
Published: February 2, 2022
Moving our bodies can help us to calm our minds. This set of 7 brief videos are reminders to get up, stretch and take a pause when you need it.  These mindful movements presented by our guide, physical therapist Dr. Ellen Anderson, are intended to address targeted areas to help us gently stretch and release tension such as our breath, back and neck. Each video reviews the interaction between mind and body and demonstrates simple practices that are accessible to most. The next time you feel tension starting to take over, give one of our videos a try! Please discuss physical activity with your medical provider before you begin. These videos are not intended to replace medical treatment, if you are experiencing pain please seek immediate medical care. Related Products: Self-Care Program Manual Pause, Breathe, Move: Self-Care for Healthcare Providers Taking Care of Yourself While Taking Care of Others  
Published: February 1, 2022
  In this webinar, Mid-America MHTTC trainers will offer solutions and insights for supporting clients’ needs in a post-pandemic world. Trainers will discuss both strategies for both adults and youths.   This webinar was due to air live, but had to be cancelled. Because of this, we will offer those who view this webinar within the next month (from February 1st, 2022 to February 28th, 2022) the option to receive a certificate of completion. To receive your certificate of completion, email [email protected] stating that you have viewed the The New Epidemic: Treating Emergent Mental Health Needs in the Age of COVID-19 webinar.   Learn more about The New Epidemic: Treating Emergent Mental Health Needs in the Age of COVID-19
Published: February 1, 2022
About this Resource:  Evidence-based practices have become the goal for supporting recovery for people with severe mental illness. But, we are not all working in environments that have the capacity to achieve full fidelity to these models.  In Part 1 of our this 6-part series Dr. Salyers reviews core aspects of the Illness Management and Recovery program, focusing on practical strategies and skills behavioral health providers can use now to make a difference. To learn more or register for other sessions in this series, please visit our Keeping It Practical: Core Skills for Evidence-Based Practices page or click here. 
Published: January 31, 2022
Print Media
This factsheet describes the main emotions experienced by Hispanic and Latino children and adolescents and their manifestations during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, it provides strategies for managing those emotions in children, adolescents, and caregivers.
Published: January 31, 2022
Print Media
Este producto describe las emociones y sus manifestaciones de los niños y adolescentes hispanos durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Además, el mismo ofrece estrategias para manejar las emociones en niños, adolescentes y cuidadores.
Published: January 31, 2022
Print Media
Este producto describe las emociones y sus manifestaciones de los niños y adolescentes hispanos durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Además, el mismo ofrece estrategias para manejar las emociones en niños, adolescentes y cuidadores.
Published: January 31, 2022
Print Media
Este producto describe las emociones y sus manifestaciones de los niños y adolescentes hispanos durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Además, el mismo ofrece estrategias para manejar las emociones en niños, adolescentes y cuidadores.
Published: January 31, 2022
Presentation Slides
On January 20, the Federal School Safety Clearinghouse led an informational webinar on the latest COVID-19 guidance and resources for kindergarten through grade 12 (K-12) schools. The session featured guest speakers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network. Presenters provided an overview of COVID-19 guidance for K-12 schools and shared resources to address the mental health impact on students, parents, teachers, and school personnel. The discussion featured additional school safety-related resources available through, as well as a Q&A session. This webinar is part of the 2022 School Safety Webinar Series, a program hosted by the Federal School Safety Clearinghouse to address emerging risks and threats facing the K-12 school community. Held on a monthly basis, the webinar series covers a range of school safety topics, and provides information on the resources, tools, and best practices available to equip school leaders with a set of strategies in creating safer and more resilient school systems. The Federal School Safety Clearinghouse is a federal government interagency collaboration comprised of the Departments of Education, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, and Justice to provide a comprehensive and centralized location for federal school safety resources. The Clearinghouse reviews, collects, and distributes guidance, tools, best practices, and actionable recommendations to improve safety and security within school communities. Learn more at or sign up for updates.  Questions? Please contact the School Safety team at [email protected]
Published: January 28, 2022
This episode reminds us to focus on our personal mission and use our strengths to flourish.
Published: January 27, 2022
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