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Produced by the Texas System of Care
Learn foundational terminology and concepts of cultural and linguistic competence and best practices for specific communities.
Produced by the South Southwest Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (a SAMHSA-funded initiative) at the Texas Institute for Excellence in Mental Health
This webinar identifies factors contributing to adverse mental health outcomes among Hispanic and/or Latinx communities that have recently immigrated or sought asylum in the U.S., and offers providers meaningful intervention strategies for supporting individuals with these experiences.
Produced by the National Hispanic and Latino Mental Health Technology Transfer Center
This webinar focus on providing recommendations for adapting common Cognitive Behavioral Therapy tools (e.g., repeated assessment, homework tracking, etc.) for use with clients via telehealth. Special linguistic and cultural considerations for providers of Latino clients will also be presented throughout the webinar.
Produced by the Pacific Southwest Mental Health Technology Transfer Center
This pre-recorded webinar session celebrates culture and communities, and explores community programs and practices that work and are helping people. The session explores how we collectively approach the concept of evidence, effectiveness of practices, and the role of communities in achieving positive outcomes for individuals experiencing mental health conditions. This discussion is intended for clinicians, mental health program providers, evaluators, and others.
Produced by the National Hispanic and Latino Mental Health Technology Transfer Center
This webinar addresses why cultural humility matters in our work as service providers, the current literature on color-blind racial ideology, and implicit bias. The webinar provides insight into the importance of understanding one’s own limitations in ideologies as a way to enhance our service as cultural workers, both personally and professionally.
Produced by the Northwest Mental Health Technology Transfer Center
This webinar addresses culturally and linguistically responsive care, with an emphasis on Latinx sub-populations. Implications for practice and research applicable to multiple service settings with varying service sectors are discussed.
Produced by the Pacific Southwest Mental Health Technology Transfer Center
Integrating cultural and linguistic considerations in our mental health services requires shifts in values, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. If we are truly invested in improving the client’s experience as they enter our organizations and in creating equitable systems for services, we need to be open to changes. We can all lead and engage in a change process to integrate cultural and linguistic considerations into our policy, infrastructure, workforce, community engagement, and programs and services.
Produced by the Pacific Southwest Mental Health Technology Transfer Center
This webinar is part of a four-part series that explores the dynamics of implicit bias and its impact on our work in mental health.
Produced by the Pacific Southwest Mental Health Technology Transfer Center
All health service systems are undergoing fundamental changes in order to embrace the diversity of populations in the U.S. today. Many health systems continue to grapple with the numerous challenges of implementing systemic change to respond effectively to the multiple needs of diverse cultural and linguistic groups. Organizations working together as part of a broader system often do not know where to start the work of integrating cultural and linguistic competence. To do this work, organizations first need to come to a common understanding of culture and cultural competence and adopt a systemic framework for its integration into services and supports.
Produced by the Mid-America Mental Health Technology Transfer Center
Dr. Ana Bridges, a professor at the University of Arkansas-Fayetteville and an expert on integrated care with extensive clinical and research experience, presents Integrating psychologists into primary care clinics to address mental health disparities in Latinxs: Rationale and evidence of success. After her presentation, Diane Arms of the National Hispanic and Latino MHTTC provides additional perspective.
Produced by the National Hispanic and Latino Mental Health Technology Transfer Center
This learning session explains the interaction of these conditions in the Latino elderly, and the known barriers coming from the health system and health disparities perspective. The presentation will close with ideas of what you can do at home while working with the Latino elderly, and with a short video of an older Latino woman who will explain her desire to live in spite of her illnesses.
Produced by the National Hispanic and Latino Mental Health Technology Transfer Center
In this webinar, we discuss the challenges of treating Latino clients during the COVID crisis, and how to assess and provide interventions to meet the needs of Latino individuals using telehealth modalities.
Produced by the University of Washington's School of Public Health
Ijeoma Oluo, Editor at Large of The Establishment, discusses her book, "So You Want to Talk About Race." She offers a contemporary, accessible take on the racial landscape in America, addressing head-on such issues as privilege, police brutality, intersectionality, micro-aggressions, the Black Lives Matter movement, and the “N” word.