National Hispanic and Latino MHTTC

HHS Region

Our mission is to provide high-quality training and technical assistance to improve the capacity of the workforce serving Hispanic and Latino communities in behavioral health prevention, treatment, and recovery. We disseminate and support the implementation of evidence-based and promising practices to enhance service delivery, promote the growth of a diverse, culturally competent workforce, and bridge access to quality behavioral health services. We are committed to increasing health equity and access to effective culturally and linguistically grounded approaches.

NOTE: As SAMHSA pivots towards having Centers of Excellence for historically underrepresented populations, the National Hispanic and Latino MHTTC transitioned out of our MHTTC Network as of September 29, 2023. As of September 30, 2023, the Hispanic/Latino Behavioral Health Center of Excellence serves as resources for behavioral health agencies to better serve and advocate for these populations. Information on this page and others from the National Hispanic and Latino MHTTC will not be maintained or updated. If you encounter a broken link or an error message, or have further questions, please contact the MHTTC Network Coordinating Office.

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The current webinar aims to overview the “coming out” process for Latinx communities. Specifically, the webinar will contextualize the “coming out” process within the minority stress framework and the intersection of racism and heterosexism. Subsequently, the webinar will discuss common stressors associated with disclosing one’s sexual minority identity. Finally, the webinar will provide insight into how Latinx cultural values and “coming out” impact identity development. Learning Objectives: Understand the “coming out” process for Latinx individuals within the context of the minority stress framework and systems of oppression (i.e., racism and heterosexism). Identify common stressors (e.g., mental health concerns) associated with “coming out” for Latinx individuals. Discuss how Latinx cultural values intersect with “coming out” for Latinx communities and identity development.   Speaker Dr. David G. Zelaya (he/him/él) is an Assistant Professor (Research) at Brown University School of Public Health (SPH) within the Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies (CAAS), Department of Behavioral and Social Sciences and a research fellow at Harvard Medical School within the Department of Psychiatry. His research program examines health disparities, from an intersectionality and minority stress lens, among Black, Indigenous, and People of Color and sexual and gender minority communities and links to HIV risk, mental health, and substance use. Clinically, he is interested in providing culturally competent behavioral health services to historically underserved communities (e.g., Spanish-speaking Latinx people; sexual and gender diverse people). Dr. Zelaya received his Ph.D. from Georgia State University in counseling psychology, he was a psychology resident at Harvard Medical School's Cambridge Hospital (part of the Latinx Mental Health Program, the Gender and Sexuality Clinic, and the Psychiatric Emergency Service). He completed his fellowship within the Alcohol Research Center on HIV (ARCH) and CAAS at Brown SPH. 
Violencia por Razón de Género: Salud Mental y Respuestas Culturalmente Centradas Descripción: La violencia por razón de género es aquella violencia que resulta de la desigualdad entre los géneros (femenino y masculino). Los estudios sociológicos y psicológicos describen cómo la construcción de género en muchos lugares incluyendo Latinoamérica se da de tal manera que resulta en un desbalance de poder donde los hombres (asociado a lo masculino) suelen tener mayor poder (económico, político y social). Esta estructura de desbalance de poder a la vez facilita que se lleve a cabo y se continúe llevando a cabo actos de violencia hacia las mujeres. Entre las manifestaciones de la violencia por razón de género se encuentra la violencia sexual, violencia en la relación de pareja, hostigamiento y acoso laboral y el feminicidio; es decir, el asesinato de una mujer por ser mujer. Las repercusiones al nivel psicológico son múltiples e incluyen síntomas que forman parte del diagnóstico de Trastorno de Estrés Postraumático. Estos síntomas pueden afectar el funcionamiento de la mujer y con psicoterapia pueden disminuir. Este diálogo incluye una descripción de lo que es la violencia por razón de género sus manifestaciones y posible secuela. Además, incluye elementos culturales que ayudan a entender las dinámicas de poder, la construcción de género y la manifestación y normalización de la violencia por razón de género. El diálogo incluye algunas ideas culturalmente centradas para la atención y prevención del desbalance de poder y la violencia por razón de género. Participantes: Telma García - Promotora y Directora de Prevención VIH de East Los Angeles Women's Center Mónica Ulibarri, PhD- Psicóloga Profesora de Alliant International University, California School of Professional Psychology Darice Orobitg, PhD- Psicóloga, Consultora, National Hispanic and Latino MHTTC   Descargar materiales didácticos : Aquí   Descargar vídeo: Aquí 
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The COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately impacted Latinx communities and highlighted how preexisting health disparities increase mental health conditions (Fortuna & Tolou-Shams, 2020). Challenges faced by Latinx families such as bereavement, food insecurity, reduced access to mental health services, and housing instability emphasize the critical need to translate and apply the best practices at the intersection of behavioral health, comprehensive school mental health systems, and Hispanic cultures. The purpose of this product is to share the lessons learned in implementing behavioral health strategies during the pandemic and exchange ideas for future responses and programs’ needs for improving Latinx communities’ mental health. The resource is a collaboration among the National Hispanic and Latino MHTTC, Central East MHTTC, National Center for School Mental Health, and the Milken Institute School of Public Health at George Washington University.
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