Saving Young Black Lives:

Reversing Suicide Trends

Speaker Bios


Michael LindseyMichael A. Lindsey (Host)

Dr. Michael A. Lindsey is a noted scholar in the fields of child and adolescent mental health, as well as the Executive Director of the NYU McSilver Institute for Poverty Policy and Research. He is also the Constance and Martin Silver Professor of Poverty Studies at NYU Silver School of Social Work, and an Aspen Health Innovators Fellow. 






Tami Charles



Tami Charles

Tami Charles is a Louisville, Kentucky-based mental health advocate, comedian and entrepreneur.




Mike VenyMike Veny

Mike Veny is a professional drummer, mental health speaker, certified corporate wellness specialist and the author of Transforming Stigma: How to Become a Mental Wellness Superhero. He is the owner of Mike Veny Inc. (





Kenny Stills

Kenny Stills is a National Football League wide receiver who has thrilled fans while playing for the New Orleans Saints, Miami Dolphins and Houston Texans, among other career highlights. He is also a social justice activist and community organizer, who gives back through the Kenny Stills Foundation ( and has fostered wellness among youth through the Still Growing Summit.



Rhonda BoydRhonda Boyd

Dr. Rhonda Boyd a psychologist and associate professor of psychology in psychiatry at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Her research focuses on maternal depression and preventing mental health problems in at-risk youth.






Riana AndersonRiana Anderson

Dr. Riana Anderson is an assistant professor in the department of health behavior and health education at the University of Michigan's School of Public Health. She is also the developer and director of the EMBRACE (engaging, managing, and bonding through race) intervention.




Lena GreenLena Green

Dr. Lena Green is a licensed clinical social worker who serves as the executive director of Harlem’s HOPE Center, which stands for Healing on Purpose and Evolving. The Center is the manifestation of Senior Pastor Michael A. Walrond’s vision to support the mental health needs of the parishioners of First Corinthian Baptist Church, and the Harlem community at large.




Meghan RomanelliMeghan Romanelli

Dr. Meghan Romanelli is an assistant professor at the University of Washington School of Social Work and a McSilver faculty affiliate whose work focuses on health and mental health disparities among LGBTQ communities.




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