Wisdom to Know the Difference: A Webinar for Supervisors | Recorded Webinar


Leading and supervising people draws on many skills, including the ability to make wise, critical decisions that can empower individuals, shed light on outdated policies, improve workplace culture, and facilitate societal change.

We may have to think on our feet and choose what seems best when deadlines are looming, but is it also possible to make quick and crucial choices that come from a solid sense of awareness and confidence?

Wisdom to Know the Difference views our decision-making processes through a trauma-informed lens, inviting us to view our own personal history and psycho-neuro patterns, revealing new paths to problem-solving to build an even more dependable foundation of clarity and heart. 

Learning Objectives:

  • Apply a trauma-informed lens for recognizing origins of personal decision-making patterns
  • Cultivate and adopt critical self-evaluation skills while in supervisory roles
  • Define and apply broader perspectives to leadership for more effective and inclusive outcomes


  • The Body Keeps The Score by Bessel Van der Kolk
  • Nothing's for Nothing by Rebekah Demirel
  • Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle by Emily Nagoski and Amelia Nagoski
  • The Myth of Normal by Gabor Mate
  • The Wisdom of Trauma (video)
  • Anchored by Deb Dana
  • Widen the Window by Elizabeth Stanley
  • Activate Your Vagus Nerve by Navaz Habib




Rebekah Demirel, L.Ac MPCC

Rebekah Demirel L.Ac. MPCC, is the founder and director of Trauma Integration Programs, with more than a decade as an ambulance paramedic, twenty-two years as a paramedic trainer, eighteen years of mental health counseling experience, specializing in traumatic stress, and she is a licensed East Asian medicine practitioner and acupuncturist. Rebekah’s unique skill set and experience are informed by her own traumatic childhood and teen years spent on the street and in the foster care system, giving her a special familiarity and empathy for trauma and loss.


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February 25, 2022
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