SAMHSA Region 3 Central East MHTTC Project Director Oscar Morgan recently co-authored an article in JAMA Network Open with Karen Fortuna, PhD, LICSW (Dartmouth College Geisel School of Medicine), Robert Walker, MS, COAPS (Massachusetts Department of Mental Health) and others examining early mortality health disparity in people with serious mental illness (SMI). Morgan is also the Executive Director of the Danya Institute, which manages the Central East MHTTC.
The findings of this research study resulted in the following recommendations:
(1) Improve the empirical understanding of the direct and indirect social and biological contributions of trauma on morbidity and early mortality.
(2) Advance the role of family, extended families, and informal supporters.
(3) Recognize the importance of co-occurring disorders and early mortality.
(4) Redefine clinical education to reduce stigma and support clinicians through technological advancements to improve diagnostic accuracy.
(5) Examine outcomes meaningful to people with an SMI diagnosis, such as loneliness and sense of belonging, and stigma and their complex relationship with early mortality.
(6) Advance the science of pharmaceuticals, drug discovery, and choice in medication use.
(7) Use precision medicine to inform treatment.
(8) Redefine the terms system literacy and health literacy.
The SAMHSA Region 3 Central East MHTTC webinar Addressing Health Inequities in Life Expectancy Through Community-Engaged Research, presented by Dr. Fortuna and Walker on May 9, 2023, also discussed the study’s methodology and findings.