Home > News > Honor National Hispanic Heritage Month with resources from our Region 9 and National MHTTC!
From September 15 to October 15, we observe National Hispanic Heritage Month by celebrating the contributions of Hispanic and Latino people in the United States. As we honor the achievements of Latinos—including those who identify as Afro-Latino, Black, Indigenous, and more—we invite you to check out resources developed by the PS MHTTC that may be particularly relevant to Latino and Hispanic communities.
In the coming weeks, join us in lifting up the mental health experiences of this diverse community by digging into information, resources, and events meant to improve access to effective, culturally responsive behavioral health services!
For Hispanic Heritage Month, the MHTTC Network’s National Coordinating Office has collected relevant resources, upcoming events, and more on a single landing page.
Designed for those who support agricultural workers’ mental health, this curated list of resources includes relevant webinars, podcasts, publications, and online resources.
By bringing together speakers with lived experience of war, this panel offers strategies for school mental health leaders as they work with individuals who have survived wars and are navigating resulting traumas.
This recorded webinar presentation addresses evidence-based strategies for suicide prevention. The presentation pays particular attention to elevated suicide rates among various populations, including Latina youth and young adults.
This initial session of a three-part series offers a strengths-based introduction to experiences that impact many (im)migrant and Latinx students.
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The second session of the series addresses how to develop trauma-sensitive school environments that contain sustainable support systems.
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This final session of the series outlines programs for addressing students’ trauma—such as Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools and Community Building Circles—and highlights cultural adaptations to these programs.