Home > Northwest MHTTC School Mental Health Supplement: Year 4 Overview
Sound Supports 12th Annual Virtual Summer Institute 2022 - August 16 - 17, 2022
The NWPBIS Network and Sound Supports hosted a day of quality webinars with content around adapting systems to promote strong equity-centered MTSS. This event was sponsored in part by the school mental health supplement to the Northwest MHTTC.
MTSS Integrated Systems Conference 2022 - August 4 - 5, 2022
You may have known of it as MTSS Fest in the past; this year’s conference was an MTSS integrated systems conference, as systems continue to get aligned and integrated. By integrating efforts, they increased the efficiency and effectiveness of the resources to better support staff and students. Continue learning about how to ensure systems work for EACH and EVERY student from preschool through graduation.
AWSP/WASA Summer Conference 2022 - June 26 - 28, 2022
This year's theme was "You Belong Here." Sessions focused on belonging, inclusion, collaboration, climate & culture, systems, and student learning.
Anchored in Our Roots: Restoring Our Ancestral Healing Practices for Self-Care and Wellness - June 1, 2022
The Northwest MHTTC School Mental Health Team was excited to welcome back Dr. Sabine Thomas and Katrice Thabet-Chapin M.Ed., Ed.S., NCSP for the Anchored in Our Roots Series Finale.
Washington OSPI MTSS PLC - October 2021 - May 2022
As implementers of the Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Framework for Washington State, the Center for the Improvement of Student Learning (CISL) strives to create opportunities for any individual to learn and grow. The Office of Superintendents of Public Instruction (OSPI) and the Northwest Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (NW-MHTTC) brought a series of webinars where there was a space for educators, administrators, and stakeholders to all come together to collaborate on topics and find common solutions.
Classroom WISE: A Mental Health Literacy Course for Teachers and School Staff
To address this need, the MHTTC Network, in partnership with the National Center for School Mental Health at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, developed a FREE self-guided online course, video library + resource collection, and a website focused on educator mental health literacy. The 3-part training package, Classroom WISE (Well-Being Information and Strategies for Educators), was informed by and co-developed with educators from across the nation.
The Washington Mental Health Summit 2022 - May 17, 2022
The Washington State Mental Health Summit was an inclusive forum for stakeholders around the state to develop, share, and advance new and promising ideas, opportunities and collaborations that advance effective education, prevention, and care for Washingtonians living with mental health and addiction problems. The event was open to any mental health stakeholder interested in participating in the improvement of mental health care in Washington State.
2022 UW SMART (Virtual) Center Speaker Series - February 23 - May 25, 2022
The Northwest MHTTC co-sponsored the UW SMART Center's Fourth Annual 2022 Speaker Series. Originally a series of in-person events, we moved these presentations to a virtual format due to COVID-19. Sessions included:
The 19th International Conference on Positive Behavior Support - April 13 - 16, 2022, San Diego, CA
The Northwest Mental Health Technology Transfer Center was honored to present at the 19th International Conference on Positive Behavior Support.
The 20th Annual NWPBIS Conference 2022 - Still Connected: Relationships, Resilience, and Belonging - April 12 - 14, 2022, Tacoma, WA
The Northwest Mental Health Technology Transfer Center was a sponsor for the 20th Annual Northwest PBIS Conference that brought experts from across the field to present and provide trainings on key topics related to school mental health.
Healing School Communities: Shifting the Dominant Paradigm to Center Student Wellness - February 8 - March 22, 2022
The overall objective of these Community of Practice sessions was to support the MHTTC Healing Racial Violence Teamlet’s internal focus, which is to help students, families, educators, and school mental health professionals navigate the ongoing impact of racial violence in all forms on student mental health.
Leading With Youth Voice Series - January 24 & February 7, 2022
Kristin Thorp and Matt Leavitt led a conversation about the importance of youth voice at our organizations' decision-making tables and in our communities. We examined the principles of youth-driven system work and the ways it benefits our agencies, coalitions, and systems as a whole. These sessions served as grounding for all participants in shared language and definitions of youth-driven practices.
The Mental Health Impacts of Surviving COVID-19: Implications for School Mental Health Systems Leaders and Providers Part II - November 22, 2021
In June 2021, we gathered to listen to COVID-19 survivors and long-haulers and learn about their experience to inform how we as school mental health providers and leaders prepared for the needs of staff and students for the coming school year. In Part 2, Dr. Kira Mauseth returned to provide a more in-depth share about Long COVID behavioral health and what we are learning in our research. Derek, Karla, Mieka, and Jessica (four survivors of COVID-19, all of whom identify as long-haulers) also returned to share where they are now and offered recommendations for school providers.
Anchored in Our Roots: Decolonizing Self-Care for BIPOC School Mental Health Providers - November 16, 2021
Anchored In Our Roots was a wellness series for school mental health professionals developed with and for our BIPOC School Mental Health (BIPOC SMH) Providers. This series, authored by Dr. Sabine Thomas and Katrice Thabet-Chapin, M.Ed., Ed.S., NCSP, was designed to provide resources to navigate the intersectionalities of work and strategies for anchoring wellbeing around cultural and ancestral roots. The outcome was the creation of a virtual community where BIPOC SMH providers could access collective support and engagement around wellness topics that collectively impact their work and identities.
Managing Anxiety & The Return To Schools - November 3, 2021
The rate of anxiety among students and staff increased with the return to in-person learning during the ongoing pandemic. Drs. Kendra Read and Jennifer Blossom explored evidence-based strategies that mitigated the problematic anxiety within schools. School mental health clinicians, administrators and educators are invited to explore the FAST (First Approach Skills Training) Program, which they helped develop at Seattle Children’s Hospital.
Virtual PBIS Leadership Forum 2021 - October 26 - 28, 2021
The three-day virtual forum was a technical assistance activity of the Center on PBIS and offered an opportunity for the Center to share information on the latest applications of PBIS. It helped school, state, district, and regional Leadership Teams and other professionals increase the effectiveness of school environments through PBIS.
Annual NCSMH Conference 2021 on Advancing School Mental Health - October 14 - 15, 2021
The theme of this year's conference was School Mental Health: Moving Forward Together. Each year, the Annual Conference on Advancing School Mental Health brings together leaders, practitioners, researchers, and other stakeholders in the school mental health field to share the latest research and best practices. The conference emphasized a shared school-family-community agenda to bring high-quality and evidence-based mental health promotion, prevention, and intervention to students and families as part of a multi-tiered system of supports.
COVID's Disproportionate Impact on Youth Now and Tomorrow - October 7 - 8, 2021
The Northwest MHTTC School Mental Health team co-sponsored COVID's Disproportionate Impact on Youth Now and Tomorrow with League of Education Voters, which champions an education system that provides every student in the state an equal opportunity for success from cradle to career.
Idaho's ISCA-ISPA-SSWAI- 2021 Superconference “Stronger Together”: Uniting our Strengths for all Students - October 7, 2021
Idaho counselors, school psychologists, social workers, nurses, administrators, and educators gathered to “Unite our Strengths”. The focus was student mental health and wellness at this collaborative conference. During the two-day virtual event, Ben Springer and Tracy Glover & Leena Weaver were the keynote speakers, with community mental health and social/emotional/behavioral program panels, multiple breakout sessions, and networking opportunities. Helping mental health professionals from around the state to unite our strengths to advocate for and empower the mental health and wellness of Idaho K-12 students.
WASA Fall Conference 2021 Permission To Feel... Permission To Lead - September 26 - 28, 2021
The Northwest MHTTC School Mental Health team co-sponsored and presented at the WASA Fall Conference 2021 Permission to Feel... Permission to Lead. WASA brought experts from across the field to present and provide trainings in over 7 sessions on key topics related to school mental health across the conference and keynotes.
Lunch, Listen, and Learn: COVID-19 Back-to-Classroom THINK Toolbox and New Resources - September 10, 2021
Dr. Kira Mauseth, from the Washington DOH Behavioral Health Strike Team, shared current youth behavioral health symptoms and how those correspond with the phases of disaster, as well as, the newly released COVID-19 Back-to-Classroom THINK Toolbox.
NW MHTTC School Mental Health Team members and partners shared other new resources including:
Learn more about what the School Mental Health supplement to the Northwest MHTTC accomplished in our years of operations.
Years 1-3 Northwest MHTTC School Mental Health Supplement Summary