Products and Resources Catalog

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eNewsletter or Blog
About this Resource: The Southeast MHTTC Newsletter highlights upcoming events and recently released products as well as shares information on available resources from SAMHSA and the MHTTC network. The July 2024 issue promotes Minority Mental Health Awareness Month. This issue also highlights our upcoming events and recently developed products, celebrates efforts being done by Region IV states, and provides resources available through the MHTTC Network and SAMHSA to connect individuals to needed treatment and support.
Published: July 8, 2024
Print Media
About this Resource: Have you ever wondered about the role of the Certified Peer Specialist in the new 988 Crisis System? This product, which accompanies a webinar that the Southeast MHTTC hosted along with the Georgia Mental Health Consumer Network, explains the role of peers in answering calls, crisis coordination, support services teams, and respite centers.
Published: July 3, 2024
About this Resource: As mental health care providers work to address the needs of individuals in their day-to-day work, it can be difficult to treat mental health challenges without also treating the underlying contributors to those challenges. The Social Determinants of Mental Health (SDOMH) are the non-medical societal factors that influence the mental health outcomes of patients, peers, and clients. These intersecting conditions in which a person is born, in which they age, live, and work, all factor into that person’s health. In this on-demand recording, clinicians learn how these factors impact engagement in care and how to measure these factors’ effect on patients’ outcomes in an effort to utilize more comprehensive and effective treatment strategies to address mental health needs.
Published: June 26, 2024
About this Resource:  In today's fast-paced work environment, understanding the intricate relationship between mental and physical health is crucial for fostering a thriving workplace. In this on-demand recording, the presenters explore practical strategies and insights that can help enhance overall well-being and create a more positive work culture. Discover how the mind-body connection can transform employee wellness.
Published: June 18, 2024
Print Media
Recent prevalence estimates indicate 1 in 36 school-age children are autistic. Autistic students are much more likely than non-autistic students to experience mental health challenges, including executive function differences and co-occurring anxiety. This brief report provides an overview of key SEMHTTC resources to support the mental health of autistic students, particularly regarding anxiety, executive function, and disruptive behaviors.
Published: June 17, 2024
About this Resource: Mental Health Awareness Month is not just about community awareness, or being aware of the people around us. For those of us living in mental health recovery, being aware of ourselves—being able to hear, see, and interpret the signals our body and mind send us—is ​an important part of maintaining our recovery. Waiting for others to observe and comment on perceived changes in us can unnecessarily extend or even increase negative impacts of mental health concerns. In this on-demand recording, presenters discuss the benefits of having a self-care plan for daily living that is not crisis-focused, but a strengths-based approach that emphasizes nurturing wellness and strengthening resilience in manageable moments throughout the day.
Published: June 10, 2024
Multimedia, Presentation Slides
1 in 36 school-age children have autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Autistic students are much more likely than non-autistic students to experience mental health challenges, including difficulty with emotion regulation, anxiety, and depression that may be exacerbated by experiences of bullying, victimization, and segregation within schools. There is an urgent need to support the mental and behavioral health of autistic students. In this webinar event, Dr. Katherine Pickard will orient attendees to the resources – reports, infographics, webinar recordings, and more  –  the Southeast MHTTC has developed and disseminated on supporting the mental health of autistic students.   Learning Objectives: 1. Contextualize mental health support for autistic students as an urgent need. 2. Access key resources that support the mental health of autistic students, particularly regarding anxiety, executive functioning, and challenging behaviors. 3. Identify additional resources that explore nuances of how to support the mental health of autistic students including those with and without co-occurring ADHD.
Published: June 4, 2024
Multimedia, Presentation Slides
Why aren’t our providers on the same page about school mental health supports and services? Do we have clear, consistent strategies to communicate with school mental health providers and staff about a spectrum of supports in each school? This topical learning forum is dedicated to building capacity for teams to develop a shared understanding and shared language about resources and strategies that school mental health providers and staff can use to support student wellness. In addition to reviewing key principals about how to clearly communicate about school mental health to different audiences, this session will provide an overview of a new graphic tool for school mental health providers and staff. This session will also include an example from a school district that has leveraged this tool to facilitate communication among their school mental health teams. Participants will have access to the graphic tool post-event to facilitate a shared understanding for your team and school mental health providers/staff about where they show up in the landscape of student wellness.     Learning Objectives  Participants who join this session will be able to:  Understand key principles for communicating about school mental health.  Access a new graphic tool designed to illustrate school mental health resources available to school mental health providers and staff across contexts.   Strategically integrate graphic tools to support communication about school mental health. 
Published: June 4, 2024
Multimedia, Presentation Slides
About this Resource: As caring and competent providers, you realize the importance of having readily available tools to share with your clients whether you are meeting for the 1st or the 15th time. Few evidence based practices offer relevant and accessible skills for decreasing distress, or the vulnerability to distress, like Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT).  Although not a comprehensive DBT course, this 4 module seminar provides a snapshot of some of the foundational skills of DBT. Learn how you can integrate DBT-informed skills into your work with clients from a trauma psychologist trained in DBT approaches. Week 1: Learn how to assess clients' motivation for treatment and identify behavior in the first session Identify the three states of mind that govern behavior Analyze unhelpful behaviors to decrease their likelihood of recurring in the future Discover an overarching problem solving framework to use across situations Explore ways to integrate mindfulness practice into your work For access to all resources from this series, please visit our DBT resource page here.
Published: May 28, 2024
Multimedia, Presentation Slides
About this Resource: As caring and competent providers, you realize the importance of having readily available tools to share with your clients whether you are meeting for the 1st or the 15th time. Few evidence based practices offer relevant and accessible skills for decreasing distress, or the vulnerability to distress, like Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT).  Although not a comprehensive DBT course, this 4 module seminar provides a snapshot of some of the foundational skills of DBT. Learn how you can integrate DBT-informed skills into your work with clients from a trauma psychologist trained in DBT approaches. Week 2: Learn skills for helping clients validate their emotions  Discuss the importance of sensing, naming and managing emotions Identify ways to engage clients in their own assessment of their emotions Identify techniques to assist clients in developing practical strategies for addressing their emotions appropriately   For access to all resources from this series, please visit our DBT resource page here.
Published: May 28, 2024
Multimedia, Presentation Slides
About this Resource: As caring and competent providers, you realize the importance of having readily available tools to share with your clients whether you are meeting for the 1st or the 15th time. Few evidence based practices offer relevant and accessible skills for decreasing distress, or the vulnerability to distress, like Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT).  Although not a comprehensive DBT course, this 4 module seminar provides a snapshot of some of the foundational skills of DBT. Learn how you can integrate DBT-informed skills into your work with clients from a trauma psychologist trained in DBT approaches. Week 3: Learn skills for helping clients regulate their emotions  Discuss the purpose of emotions from a DBT informed perspective List at least two ways clients may benefit from improved emotion regulation Identify techniques to assist clients in developing practical strategies for regulating their emotions appropriately   For access to all resources from this series, please visit our DBT resource page here.
Published: May 28, 2024
Multimedia, Presentation Slides
About this Resource: As caring and competent providers, you realize the importance of having readily available tools to share with your clients whether you are meeting for the 1st or the 15th time. Few evidence based practices offer relevant and accessible skills for decreasing distress, or the vulnerability to distress, like Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT).  Although not a comprehensive DBT course, this 4 module seminar provides a snapshot of some of the foundational skills of DBT. Learn how you can integrate DBT-informed skills into your work with clients from a trauma psychologist trained in DBT approaches. Week 4: Learn skills for setting boundaries, practicing assertiveness and advocating for clients' needs  Differentiate characteristics of healthy vs unhealthy relationships Identify strategies to help clients clarify goals and objectives in interpersonal situations   For access to all resources from this series, please visit our DBT resource page here.
Published: May 28, 2024
About this Resource: Georgia has had a reputation for being a standard bearer of peer support for many years, and that reputation has been on display over the past 36 months with the launch of the new national 988 and In this series, '988 in Every State', presenters explore the emerging needs and implementation of peer support services in areas where the traditional medical model remains dominant.
Published: May 15, 2024
Multimedia, Presentation Slides
The Community Resiliency Model (CRM) is a skill-based wellness and prevention program that provides a biological, non-stigmatizing perspective on normal human reactions to stress and trauma. In this webinar we will apply CRM to schools by teaching skills for educators, administrators, and the school mental health workforce to reduce burnout and promote staff retention. Attendees will gain knowledge of concepts to understand stress responses in themselves and others as well as learn skills to help regain emotional balance after experiencing strong negative emotions. The knowledge and skills gained will help attendees avoid burn-out and promote cultures of resiliency in schools to better support student mental health.   Learning objectives: 1. Describe how stress and trauma affect mental and physical health. 2. Describe how CRM can protect and heal via sensory-motor awareness. 3. Explain the 6 CRM skills. 4. Understand how CRM can help reduce burnout and promote resiliency.
Published: May 14, 2024
eNewsletter or Blog
About this Resource: The Southeast MHTTC Newsletter highlights upcoming events and recently released products as well as shares information on available resources from SAMHSA and the MHTTC network. The May 2024 issue promotes Mental Health Awareness Month and Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. This issue also highlights our upcoming events and recently developed products, celebrates efforts being done by Region IV states, and provides resources available through the MHTTC Network and SAMHSA to connect individuals to needed treatment and support.
Published: May 13, 2024
Multimedia, Presentation Slides
Download Session Slides Here Medicaid is a leading source of financing for school mental health services and programs, and in most states Medicaid-enrolled youth receive their benefits through Medicaid Managed Care plans.  This webinar will provide an enhanced understanding of how school mental health services can be paid for through Medicaid, with a special focus on Medicaid Managed Care.  Through this webinar, our presenter Dr. Adam Wilk (Emory University) will clarify how it can be determined whether a given service will be reimbursable through Medicaid, and highlight how school mental health care providers can have different experiences when working with Medicaid Managed Care plans to pay for their services. Learning Objectives: Specify the requirements that must be met in order to bill Medicaid or Medicaid Managed Care plans for school mental health services. Discuss ways in which these requirements may vary across states as well as, within a given state, across Medicaid Managed Care plans. Describe opportunities to learn about the Medicaid Managed Care plans in your state and how to meet their requirements to pay for school mental health services.    
Published: May 9, 2024
Print Media
Many state leaders have it as a goal to empower students and support their mental wellbeing, and in many states they are advancing this goal by passing or introducing legislation on school absences for mental health reasons. This infographic illustrates recent policy developments on this topic across the Southeast.
Published: April 27, 2024
About this Resource: Georgia has had a reputation for being a standard bearer of peer support for many years, and that reputation has been on display over the past 36 months with the launch of the new national 988 and In  Part 2 of our '988 in Every State' series, presenters explore the range of peer recovery-oriented responses and/or responders associated with local, statewide and national crisis response teams, warmlines and recovery centers. Learn more about our '988 In Every State' series or access recordings from previous sessions here.
Published: April 25, 2024
Print Media
About this Resource: This product accompanies the Southeast MHTTC’s 4-Part Series on Forensic Peer Mentoring, ‘Ready for Re-entry’. It provides an overview of forensic peer mentoring services, describes the role of a forensic peer mentor, and reviews components of the forensic peer mentor training. 
Published: April 22, 2024
Multimedia, Presentation Slides
About this Resource: The Community Resiliency Model (CRM)® is a skills-based wellness and prevention program that provides a biological, non-stigmatizing perspective on human reactions to stress and trauma. The primary focus of this stabilization program is to learn to reset the natural balance of the nervous system, using the body itself. CRM skills help people understand their nervous system and learn to track sensations connected to their own wellbeing. This low-intensity intervention teaches easy-to-learn skills to manage difficult emotions which can be brought on by stressful personal or professional situations. In this 1.5 hour on-demand recording, presenters share their knowledge of concepts to understand their own and others' stress responses and the skills to regain emotional balance when buffeted by strong negative emotions.
Published: April 11, 2024
About this Resource: Georgia has had a reputation for being a standard bearer of peer support for many years, and that reputation has been on display over the past 36 months with the launch of the new national 988 and In this series, '988 in Every State', presenters will do a deep dive into what 988 is—its purpose, history, goals, and mechanics, taking micro and macro views of the system by speaking with front line Certified Peer Specialists answering calls and administrators behind the scenes who helped envision and build out Georgia’s response. Throughout the 988 buildup and rollout, Georgia—who already had connected statewide crisis, resource, and warmline telephone support — provided guidance and insight to other states and national leaders. Join staff from the Georgia Mental Health Consumer Network as they share their insight and experience throughout this three-part series.
Published: April 9, 2024
Print Media
About this Resource: Given the large geographic area and diverse population of the Southeast region, the Southeast MHTTC recognizes that mental health priorities and training needs vary across providers, centers, communities, and states. With this context in mind, we assessed the mental health priorities of our region to inform our future TTA offerings. This infographic briefly outlines key findings from our assessment report that will guide the enhancement of our TTA offerings. For additional information, the full assessment report can be found here.
Published: April 4, 2024
Multimedia, Presentation Slides
The Community Resiliency Model (CRM) is a skill-based wellness and prevention program that provides a biological, non-stigmatizing perspective on normal human reactions to stress and trauma. In this webinar we will apply CRM to schools by teaching skills for educators, administrators, and the school mental health workforce to reduce burnout and promote staff retention. Attendees will gain knowledge of concepts to understand stress responses in themselves and others as well as learn skills to help regain emotional balance after experiencing strong negative emotions. The knowledge and skills gained will help attendees avoid burn-out and promote cultures of resiliency in schools to better support student mental health.   Learning objectives: 1. Describe how stress and trauma affect mental and physical health. 2. Describe how CRM can protect and heal via sensory-motor awareness. 3. Explain the 6 CRM skills. 4. Understand how CRM can help reduce burnout and promote resiliency.
Published: March 27, 2024
eNewsletter or Blog
About this Resource: The Southeast MHTTC Newsletter highlights upcoming events and recently released products as well as shares information on available resources from SAMHSA and the MHTTC network. The March 2024 issue promotes Developmental Disabilities Month, Social Work Month, and Women's History Month. This issue also highlights our upcoming events and recently developed products, celebrates efforts being done by Region IV states, and provides resources available through the MHTTC Network and SAMHSA to connect individuals to needed treatment and support.
Published: March 19, 2024
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