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Multimedia, Presentation Slides
Job Development is an important component of providing best-practice employment services and includes initiating and developing relationships with employers. However, many vocational services staff express discomfort and limited skills in interacting with the business community. This training will provide attendees with the tools to approach employers and market their employment services confidently.
Published: February 22, 2024
eNewsletter or Blog
  The Great Lakes Current is the e-newsletter of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC.   The July 2023 issue honors National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month and World Hepatitis Day (July 28) by sharing events and resources on these topics. This issue also features newly released episodes from the Checking-In Podcast that focus on PTSD treatment providers' self-care and a new HealtheKnowledge course developed by the Great Lakes ATTC: NIATx Change Leader Academy: Rapid-Cycle Change for Teams.    As always, you will find links to all upcoming events and trainings hosted by the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC!  
Published: July 3, 2023
Presentation Slides
The focus of this session is to develop knowledge of educational supports and resources that contribute to student success and satisfaction. Utilization of campus and community resources, academic accommodations, and skill development strategies will be discussed. View the session recording.   Session 1: Exploring a Student's Educational Preferences Session 2: SEd Services that Support Entry into an Educational Program
Published: June 15, 2023
Presentation Slides
The focus of this session is to develop knowledge of assisting students in accessing and entering the educational program of their choice. The main areas of focus will be on funding education, securing transportation, preparing applications, and completing entrance interviews. View the session recording here.   Session 1: Exploring a Student's Educational Preferences Session 3: Supporting Students to Thrive in Higher Education
Published: June 13, 2023
Presentation Slides
The focus of this session is to identify practitioner strategies to support the exploration of educational interests and the development of academic goals. Participants will learn how to assess interests, values, and preferences to inform students’ educational choices. View the session recording here.   Session 2: SEd Services that Support Entry into an Educational Program Session 3: Supporting Students to Thrive in Higher Education
Published: June 13, 2023
Presentation Slides
Recording Slides (click on the Download button above) Title: Advanced Skills in Supported Employment Webinar Series- Session 3- Career Advancement Supporting Service Participants in Moving Beyond Entry Level Positions. This webinar is for practitioners in Supported Employment, Supported Education, Assertive Community Treatment, or others providing vocational rehabilitation services and will focus on assisting individuals with career advancement. Specific career advancement strategies will be discussed, including further education and training, requesting a salary increase, asking for a promotion and/or a job change within the company, and building social capital. Participants will identify how to use this information to support individuals in their career advancement. Objectives Participants will:  1. Identify different approaches to assist job seekers in moving beyond entry-level positions. 2. Define and apply strategies to build social capital. 3. Describe strategies to assist individuals in advancing in their current jobs (e.g., requesting a promotion/salary increase).  
Published: April 19, 2023
Presentation Slides
Recording Slides (click on Download button above) Advanced Skills in Supported Employment Webinar Series- Session 2: A Strengths-Based Approach to Assisting Job Seekers with Gaps in Employment Description This webinar is for practitioners in Supported Employment, Supported Education, Assertive Community Treatment, or others providing vocational rehabilitation services. We will address the challenge many job seekers potentially encounter when they haven't worked for some time or may have left jobs due to less than favorable reasons--gaps in work history and how to explain them to employers. This can make developing resumes, completing applications, and feeling confident during job interviews difficult. We will explore different strategies and resources to assist job seekers in describing gaps in work history.   Objectives Participants will: 1. Describe various responses when addressing work history gaps.  2. Identify strategies and resources to assist job seekers in describing work history gaps. 3. Review tools to assist job seekers in completing applications and resumes to best explain work history gaps.
Published: April 4, 2023
Presentation Slides
View Recording Slides (click Download from above) Advanced Skills in Supported Employment Webinar Series- Session 1: Inclusive Work Culture- Assessing for Fit March 22, 2023 This webinar is for practitioners in Supported Employment, Supported Education, Assertive Community Treatment, or others providing vocational rehabilitation services. Examining work culture provides an opportunity to gather important material about the company to assist job seekers. Work culture includes how employees interact with one another, the values of an organization, as well as characteristics such physical space and the hierarchical structure. We will discuss various ways to assess work culture in order to provide job seekers with valuable information about this critical component of a workplace.     
Published: March 28, 2023
About this Resource: This webinar is motivated by the reality that the majority of individuals diagnosed with ‘serious mental illness’ face significant socioeconomic challenges and high rates of employment.  In place of discrete “one size fits all” evidence-based practices, during this presentation Nev Jones, PhD discusses the broader landscape of strategies for improving outcomes across the spectrum of individuals who are currently seeking education or work or have applied for or are already receiving SSI/SSI.  Specific topics Dr. Jones covers include career development and career mobility supports, SSI/SSDI decision making, and financial empowerment strategies for individuals currently unable to work or attend school. Click here to view a flipbook resource that reviews evidence-based employment interventions, examines the limitations of these models, and discusses ways mental health providers can help strengthen the career and income pathways for their clients.
Published: January 30, 2023
Print Media
We all have to manage personal information in our professional lives and make decisions about what, when, how, and with whom to share. It's important for providers to assist job seekers with decisions about managing their personal information and disclosure related to their mental health condition.
Published: September 20, 2022
Print Media
Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires employers to make reasonable accommodations that allow qualified applicants or employees with disabilities to perform the job. Accommodations are considered reasonable if they don’t create an undue hardship on the functioning of the business. People with a mental health disability can also qualify for reasonable accommodations. Knowing employee rights and the available resources can be instrumental in supporting job seekers with gaining and maintaining employment. Being aware of what accommodations are available and how to access an accommodation is an important component of employment planning.
Published: September 20, 2022
August 11, 2022 Coordinated specialty care for early psychosis is an evidence-based treatment model aimed at fostering resilience and recovery for individuals who have experience a first episode of psychosis or are at clinical high risk for developing psychosis. Each webinar will be co-presented by a professional with expertise in that component of care, as well as an individual with lived experience who can speak to how this aspect of care was meaningful in their journey towards recovery. This series is geared towards any individuals that are new to working on an Early Psychosis Specialty Team – including students, clinicians, prescribers, supported employment specialists, family clinicians, and peer specialists.
Published: August 11, 2022
View Slide Deck This webinar will provide information on the current statistics and recent trends in suicide. Tips and resources will be provided to aid in helping someone who is suicidal. Session Objectives: Describe recent statistics about suicide across numerous demographic populations Describe recent trends in suicide Compare suicide prevalence to other common forms of mortality in the U.S. Differentiate between different types of suicidality Provide tips for helping someone who is suicidal Resources and sources for additional training Presenter: Kenneth Kinter, MA, LPC, is an Assistant Professor at Rutgers University and has been employed by Rutgers/UMDNJ since 2004. He has taught Group Dynamics in the Associates Degree Program. His current responsibilities include the implementation of evidence-based practices as well as staff training and development at Ancora Psychiatric Hospital and the Ann Klein Forensic Center. He and his wife have a private practice in Bordentown, NJ working with individuals, couples, and families. He is also an Adjunct Professor at Seton Hall University. He is currently completing his doctoral dissertation at Rowan University. His past work experience includes: screening centers, partial care programs, and a county jail. He has also done numerous presentations for (US)PRA, NJPRA, as well as several community mental health agencies. Occasionally, he plays bass guitar and sleeps.
Published: March 29, 2022
About this Resource: Evidence-based practices have become the goal for supporting recovery for people with severe mental illness. But, we are not all working in environments that have the capacity to achieve full fidelity to these models.  In Part 4 of our this 6-part series Marina Kukla, PhD, and Amy Strasburger, MA, review core aspects of Supported Employment, focusing on practical strategies and skills behavioral health providers can use now to make a difference in assisting clients meet employment goals. To learn more or register for other sessions in this series, please visit our Keeping It Practical: Core Skills for Evidence-Based Practices page or click here.
Published: March 14, 2022
View Presentation Slides Session 4: Applying Communication Strategies to Effectively Manage Challenging Situations and Behaviors
Published: March 4, 2022
Presentation Slides
View Session Recording Session 4: Applying Communication Strategies to Effectively Manage Challenging Situations and Behaviors
Published: March 4, 2022
February 28, 2022   This presentation will focus on the ways that various forms of meditation can be used by healthcare providers for self-care. In addition, we will explore how the use of meditation can assist providers in their clinical work with clients. After a brief review of relevant research, various forms of meditation will be demonstrated and practiced.   Objectives: - Review research findings relevant to meditation, self-care, and clinical effectiveness. - Demonstrate and practice specific meditation techniques used for self-care and clinical effectiveness. - Provide meditation resources for healthcare providers.   To watch the recording, go to:   Presenter: Mark Brenner, PhD, LICSW Mark J. Brenner, Ph.D., LICSW is Professor Emeritus at Bridgewater State University where he taught in the School of Social Work. Dr. Brenner has over 20 years of clinical experience working with children, adolescents, and adults in both inpatient and outpatient settings. He has studied and practiced Zen Buddhism since 1988 in the Kwan Um tradition. As a member of the American Red Cross Disaster Mental Health Team, Dr. Brenner volunteers at local and national disasters. His research interests include the use of contemplative practices and the integration of Eastern philosophies into Western psychotherapeutic models.
Published: February 28, 2022
Presentation Slides
ACCES-VR Mental Health Webinar Series and Community of Practice Session 3: Communication Strategies when Managing Difficult Situations/Behaviors
Published: February 22, 2022
Presentation Slides
Session 2 Application of Knowledge and Skill of Understanding the Impact of our Values, Beliefs, and Attitudes in Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling
Published: February 11, 2022
Print Media
El desarrollo laboral es uno de los ocho principios de los servicios de Empleo con Apoyo (SE). El desarrollo laboral se define como un conjunto de habilidades que utilizan para desarrollar y construir relaciones con la comunidad empresarial. Es un elemento importante para proporcionar servicios de empleo eficaces. Los servicios que incorporan el desarrollo laboral tienen resultados laborales más exitosos. Un componente clave de los servicios de desarrollo laboral es presentarse a sí mismo y a sus servicios de empleo a un empleador potencial. Muchos especialistas en empleo se preparan para esta reunión creando un discurse de elevador para usar al presentarse y practicando cómo responder a las preguntas difíciles que un empleador pueda hacer.
Published: February 3, 2022
View Slide Deck This interactive training series focuses on providing Vocational Rehabilitation staff with the knowledge and skills to apply strategies to support participants with mental health conditions. The ongoing community of practice provides a space for counselors to share successes, challenges, and to obtain support from one another and MHTTC staff.
Published: January 21, 2022
Presentation Slides
This interactive training series focuses on providing Vocational Rehabilitation staff with the knowledge and skills to apply strategies to support participants with mental health conditions. The ongoing community of practice provides a space for counselors to share successes, challenges, and to obtain support from one another and MHTTC staff.
Published: January 21, 2022
View Slide Deck Job development is an important component to providing best practice employment services and includes initiating and developing relationships with employers. However, many vocational services staff express discomfort and limited skills in interacting with the business community. This three-part series will provide attendees with the tools to confidently approach employers, market their employment services, and develop and maintain relationships with employers. Sessions will be interactive with opportunities to practice newly learned skills. Attendees are encouraged to attend all three sessions.
Published: December 8, 2021
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