Advanced Skills in Supported Employment Webinar Series- Session 3


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Title: Advanced Skills in Supported Employment Webinar Series- Session 3- Career Advancement Supporting Service Participants in Moving Beyond Entry Level Positions.

This webinar is for practitioners in Supported Employment, Supported Education, Assertive Community Treatment, or others providing vocational rehabilitation services and will focus on assisting individuals with career advancement. Specific career advancement strategies will be discussed, including further education and training, requesting a salary increase, asking for a promotion and/or a job change within the company, and building social capital. Participants will identify how to use this information to support individuals in their career advancement.


Participants will: 

1. Identify different approaches to assist job seekers in moving beyond entry-level positions.
2. Define and apply strategies to build social capital.
3. Describe strategies to assist individuals in advancing in their current jobs (e.g., requesting a promotion/salary increase).


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