Presentation Slides
Webinar's FAQ
COVID-19 has impacted so many individuals physically, psychologically, socially, and financially. Many individuals from the Latino population have been significantly impacted due to the ongoing disparities in health care and resource availability. Telehealth services have been a way to provide desperately needed services in a safe way, but there are significant challenges to providing services that consider the cultural needs of the individual as well. In this webinar, we will discuss the challenges of treating Latino clients during the COVID crisis, and we will discuss how to assess and provide interventions to meet the needs of Latino individuals using telehealth modalities.
Published: June 8, 2020
This is the second session of the three-part webinar series, Making a Good Connection: Engaging Students and Families in School Tele-Mental Health, that is geared toward providers who are making the transition from in-person to telehealth services. Session content focuses on practical strategies and equity concerns related to engaging children, adolescents and families using distance technology. The presenters devote the first segment of each hour-long presentation to a specific topic, then address attendee-submitted questions. To view the recording, click on the "View Resource" button above.
Download the slides here.
Download the FAQ Sheet here.
For more information about the remaining sessions for this series, click here.
Published: June 3, 2020
Presentation Slides
Rural Primary Care Tools and Resources for Managing Suicidal Ideation During COVID-19
COVID-19 has created additional stress on our rural and agricultural communities who were experiencing a host of stressors prior to the pandemic. Concerns about a possible increase in deaths by suicide and serving people with suicidal ideation are the source of increased distress among rural health and mental healthcare providers. This webinar offered tools for primary care providers working in rural areas to address these concerns.
Slide deck
Webinar Objectives
Explore mental health integration tools and resources for rural primary care providers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Discuss the operational components of implementing suicide screening and referral to services for rural primary care providers, during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Identify local, state and national resources for rural primary care providers supporting patients with suicidal ideation.
Thomasine Heitkamp, Principal Investigator
Co-Director, Mountain Plains Mental Health Technology Transfer Center
Director, Mountain Plains Addiction Technology Transfer Center
Shawnda Schroeder, Research Associate Professor
Center for Rural Health
University of North Dakota School of Medicine & Health Sciences
Tammy Norville, Technical Assistance Director
National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health
Caitlin Peterson, Senior Project Associate
Suicide Prevention Resource Center
More Resources of Farm Stress and Rural Mental Health
The Mountain Plains MHTTC has developed two separate resource pages focused on Farm Stress and Mental Health, and Rural Mental Health. On these pages you will find previous webinar archives, products developed, and additional information and resources from reputable organizations.
Farm Stress and Mental Health Resources
Rural Mental Health Resources
Published: June 2, 2020
The current worldwide public health emergency has prompted many mental health providers to adapt to an online method of service delivery. In response to the changes demanded by COVID-19, this webinar provides general guidance on the integration of Latinx cultural values and motivational interviewing principles via telehealth. Specifically, this webinar focus on providing strategies for adapting motivational interviewing through a culturally affirming lens to enhance engagement and facilitate change.
Published: June 1, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has presented a formidable challenge to care continuity for community mental health clients with serious mental illness. Providers have had to quickly pivot the modes of delivering critical services. What does this look like for practitioners who are delivering cognitive behavioral therapeutic (CBT) interventions for psychosis? This hour-long webinar serves to help practitioners consider critical intervention targets and high-yield motivational, cognitive, and behavioral strategies that are amenable to telephonic encounters, telehealth, or digital accompaniment. The strategies that were selected are appropriate for delivery in any combination of the above-mentioned modalities. Companion clinical tip sheets and self-directed CBT for psychosis learning resources will be provided to webinar participants.
Identify key psychosis drivers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Walk through high-yield strategies that are amendable to remote administration of CBTp or CBTp-Informed care
Discuss evidence-based and evidence-informed digital augmentation of clincial services for individuals with psychosis
Download slides here
PDF - COVID-19 Resources for those with Serious Mental Illness
Cognitive Behavior Theory and Treatment
Academy of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies
The Beck Institute
Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Psychosis (CBTp)
SMI Advisor - 1 hour webinar orientation
3 Hour E-Primer course on HealtheKnowledge
North American CBTp Network
Video - Stress Bucket Analogy
Published: May 27, 2020
Amid the current COVID-19 social distancing and stay at home orders many behavioral health providers have quickly shifted their primary interactions with clients to remote engagement. For some, this means using video conferencing software to simulate an in-person meeting. However, for many people access to a computer or tablet and reliable internet service is not available. For these individuals you may need to engage with them primarily, or solely, through the phone via voice calls or texts. This tool will provide information about strategies for quality engagement with clients using the phone.
This guidance can be applied to your work during the COVID-19 public health emergency, as well as when engaging with clients who may live in remote, rural, and otherwise difficult to access areas. Please note that it is best to talk with your agency's administration to determine any potential issues or concerns with providing remote services, including, but not limited to, HIPAA compliance, reimbursement, and authorizations.
Published: May 26, 2020
This is the first session of the three-part webinar series, Making a Good Connection: Engaging Students and Families in School Tele-Mental Health, that is geared toward providers who are making the transition from in-person to telehealth services. Session content focuses on practical strategies and equity concerns related to engaging children, adolescents and families using distance technology. The presenters devote the first segment of each hour-long presentation to a specific topic, then address attendee-submitted questions. To view the recording, click on the blue "View Resource" button above.
Download the slides here.
Download the FAQ Sheet here.
For more information about the remaining sessions for this series, click here.
Published: May 26, 2020
Recorded May 5th, 2020
Danis Russell
Jeff Coady
Kwame Gyasi
Jeanne Pulvermacher
Dave Gomel
Tom Wright
Judi Jobe
Michelle DeRosso
Transcript_Region 5: Supporting Behavioral Health Programs & Personnel During COVID-19
Published: May 26, 2020
Print Media, Toolkit
The Telehealth Toolbox for School Personnel is a practical and concise guide to incorporating telehealth into your routine as a provider working with students.
Author(s): Franta, E., Morse, M., Chadwell, M., Hoff, N., Clarke, B.L., Robinson, L./Mid-America MHTTC
Published: May 23, 2020
This is a recording of the Native Youth Telehealth Initiative Webinar, which took place on May 14, 2020. The recording begins at slide 12 of the presentation.
Dr. George Baston, MHRD, Ed.D CTE, and Natasha Peterson, BS, covered how to implement telehealth using the “Let’s Talk Interactive” platform and opportunities to collaborate with the National American Indian and Alaska Native MHTTC.
Dr. Baston has worked in the health and human services field for 35 years starting out with Boys & Girls Clubs of America and eventually co-founding Solutions of Substance. Dr. Baston subsequently spent 20 years utilizing technology to deliver education, training, and interventions, including telehealth, to a variety of workforces and clients such as: community-based organizations, charter vocational schools (primary in rural communities); jails and other criminal justice settings; state addiction services provider associations; Addiction Technology Transfer Centers (ATTCs); certification boards; and telehealth implementations in schools and community based organizations. Dr. Baston has over 18 years experience as a Principal Investigator (PI) for Rural Utilities Distant Learning and Telehealth Grantees; Drug Free Communities Grantees (DFC), Housing Opportunities for Persons with HIV/AIDS (HOPWA), Prevention and Partnership Grants (PPG) and a wide variety of SAMSHA program evaluations . Other experience includes Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) implementation to utilize data for program improvement, primarily through facilitation of Plan Do Study Act (PDSA) cycles.
Collaboration Opportunity!
An opportunity to participate in our Native Youth Telehealth Initiative, and receive intensive technical assistance, is announced in this webinar.
Application information is given at the end of Dr. Baston's presentation. Six sites will be chosen from the applicants.
Click HERE to learn more: read about the project, download the full slides, etc.
Published: May 22, 2020
This FAQ document encompasses all of the frequently asked questions from the Telehealth Learning and Consultation (TLC) Tuesdays series.
Author(s): Roberts, H., Higgins, W., Franta, E., Chadwell, M., Clarke, B.L., Robinson, L./MMI and Mid-America MHTTC
Published: May 20, 2020
Print Media
This handout provides an overview of the MHTTC Network's webinar series Making a Good Connection: Engaging Students and Families in School Tele-Mental Health.
This three-part series is geared toward providers who are making the transition from in-person to telehealth services. Session content will focus on practical strategies and equity concerns related to engaging children, adolescents and families using distance technology. Attendees will have the opportunity to submit questions upon registration, enabling our Technology Transfer Center (TTC) Network specialists to shape their content to meet your needs. The presenters will devote the first segment of each hour-long presentation to a specific topic, then address attendee-submitted questions.
Learn more on the series web page.
Author(s): Robinson, L./Mid-America MHTTC
Published: May 19, 2020
The Pacific Southwest MHTTC’s new handbook is written for licensed behavioral health providers who are working to transition to telehealth care. In this time of rapid change, clinicians need quick, accessible information on telehealth basics and best practices. Developed in consultation with mental health providers in our region, this guide includes tips and checklists, research-informed considerations, and more resources.
Sections include:
Clinical Practices to Establish and Maintain Telehealth Care
Telepresence Best Practices
Telehealth Laws, Risk Management, and Billing
Using Technology and Establishing Your Space
Published: May 19, 2020
In the first presentation of the Clinical Innovations in Telehealth series, Dr. Barbara Stanley and Dr. Julie Goldstein Grumet provide pragmatic guidance for evaluating and managing suicide risk via telehealth and answer audience questions.
Download the slides here.
Download the FAQ sheet here.
Published: May 19, 2020
Recording of the webinar titled What Peer Support Specialists Need to Know about Telehealth in the Current Crisis - Part 2, originally held on April 13, 2020.
Download the slides
Published: May 18, 2020
Friday, May 15, 11am-12pm PT -- Training #8: Telemedicine with Children & Adolescents
Access slides here
Robert Hilt, MD, Professor UW Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences; Seattle Children's Hospital; Program Director, Partnership Access Line (PAL)
Learning Objectives:
Discuss the use of telemedicine for children and adolescents
Review consenting and privacy issues for telemedicine with children
Telemedicine Resources from the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Sample Telemedicine Acknowledgement Form
Coding for Telemedicine Services from American Academy of Pediatrics
Published: May 18, 2020
Wednesday, April 29, 2 - 3pm -- Training #3: Telehealth Billing & Reimbursement
View the full presentation here
Review Medicare billing and reimbursement for telehealth during the Covid19 public health emergency
Review private payer billing and reimbursement for telehealth during the Covid19 public health emergency
Gail Kreiger, Section Manager, Medicaid Compliance Review and Analytics, Medicaid Program Operations and Integrity, Washington Health Care Authority
Cathy Britain, Executive Director of the Telehealth Alliance of Oregon
Washington Health Care Authority
Information about novel coronavirus (COVID-19) for behavioral health providers
COVID-19 and opioid treatment programs
Resources on Medicare
Medicare list of eligible services
Medicare Telemedicine Health Care Provider Fact Sheet
Medicare Telehealth Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
List of services payable under the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule when furnished via telehealth
Physicians and Other Clinicians: CMS Flexibilities to Fight COVID-19
Medicare Coverage and Payment of Virtual Services. This video answers common questions about the Medicare telehealth services benefit.
General Provider Telehealth and Telemedicine Tool Kit
Center for Connected Health Policy: Private payer legislation and policy by state
VSee: Billing and Coding for Telehealth During COVID-19 with Michael Enos video.
Resources on Private Payers and ERISA
Proclamation by the Governor Amending Proclamation 20-05. Check with the Washington Health Authority and/or Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner for further information.
Published: May 18, 2020
Friday, May 1, 11am - 12pm -- Training #4: Introduction to Digital Health: Getting Started and Safety Planning
Access slides here
View recording here
Brad Felker, MD. VA Puget Sound Health Care System; Professor, University of Washington Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
Learning objectives:
Dos and Don’ts to seeing up your clinic space and providing quality Clinical Video Teleconferencing (CVT) care
Dos and Don’ts to preparing the patient for their first clinical session via CVT
Dos and Don’ts to Safety Planning
Sample clinical video teleconferencing (CVT) header template for initial appointment
Sample of home-based follow-up header for CVT appointment
Sample of follow-up header for CVT appointment
Published: May 18, 2020
Due to the need for many mental health providers to transition to online service delivery as a result of COVID-19, this webinar will provide general guidance on the use of telehealth services. In particular, this webinar focus on providing recommendations for adapting common Cognitive Behavioral Therapy tools (e.g., repeated assessment, homework tracking, etc.) for use with clients via telehealth. Special linguistic and cultural considerations for providers of Latino clients will also be presented throughout the webinar.
Published: May 16, 2020
Este producto identifica los aspectos a considerar cuando se realizan servicios y apoyos de salud mental a través de telesalud con comunidades culturalmente diversas, proporcionando estrategias para garantizar que los estándares nacionales de Servicios Cultural y Lingüísticamente Apropiados (CLAS por sus siglas en inglés) continúen impulsando esfuerzos hacia una atención culturalmente competente.
(Note: this is the Spanish translation of the product, "Cultural and Linguistic Responsiveness in Telehealth," previously released by the South Southwest MHTTC).
Published: May 15, 2020
Original Webinar Date: 04/27/2020
This presentation provides a brief overview of best practices and strategies for telesupervision: clinical supervision provided via video or phone. Participants learn how to shift the frame of supervision and lay a clear foundation for expectations. Presenters address best practices for communicating through tele-modalities to ensure that supervisors can recreate nuanced communication practices akin to in-person approaches. This session explores ethical and legal considerations across a range of topics, from informed consent to managing crises that arise in supervisees’ clinical encounters. The context of the current global pandemic is woven in throughout the training.
Participants will be able to:
Describe best practices in telemental health services
Articulate legal and ethical considerations applying to telehealth services
Discuss assessment and intervention strategies from telehealth modalities
Published: May 15, 2020
Presentation Slides
Presentation Slides
The focus of this webinar is to provide the support and information that teachers, supervisors, BCBAs, therapists and other professionals supporting youth during Co VID 19 have been seeking. The challenges that Co VID 19 poses to clients and students will be discussed. Strategies for reaching and supporting clients via telehealth platforms and teaching students through the virtual classroom will be identified and discussed. The main focus will be on supporting individuals with developmental disabilities and autism during this difficult time. Individuals across the Autism Spectrum have specific needs and profiles that will be discussed and the supports and strategies needed to address their specific strengths and weaknesses will be explored.
Cynthia Policastro-Smith, BCBA is both a teacher and a practicing Board Certified Behavior Analyst with over 25 years of experience. Cynthia started out in the field by providing ABA services to clients on the autism spectrum, in their homes. Cynthia moved on to teaching students with autism at both the intermediate and elementary grades. Currently, Cynthia teaches a self-contained class of students with autism for the Toms River Regional School District in New Jersey and works as a Clinical Supervisor at the Family Resource Network, where she trains and oversees staff and supervisor in-home ABA services.
Published: May 13, 2020
Presentation Slides
The focus of this webinar is to provide the support and information that teachers, supervisors, BCBAs, therapists and other professionals supporting youth during Co VID 19 have been seeking. The challenges that Co VID 19 poses to clients and students will be discussed. Strategies for reaching and supporting clients via telehealth platforms and teaching students through the virtual classroom will be identified and discussed. The main focus will be on supporting individuals with developmental disabilities and autism during this difficult time. Individuals across the Autism Spectrum have specific needs and profiles that will be discussed and the supports and strategies needed to address their specific strengths and weaknesses will be explored.
View presentation slides and resource list
Published: May 13, 2020
The Pacific Southwest MHTTC curated a series of topical resource sheets to help you find high-quality tools and information on caring for yourself, your families, and the communities you serve. This resource sheet focuses on trainings and guidance for health care providers, mental health practitioners, and social workers. It also includes resources on the topics of telehealth, grief, COVID-19 communications, and supporting older adults.
Click the "View Resource" link above to download, or view all available resource sheet topics.
Published: May 12, 2020