Oral Health and the Peer-Supported Recovery Journey | Recorded Webinar

Young man brushing his teeth


This recorded webinar aims to increase understanding of common oral health problems faced by individuals with mental health and substance abuse challenges. Many may face stigma or shame related to their oral health. Peer support specialists play an integral role in supporting those they serve related to their oral health and recovery. Excerpts from the Mental Health and Addiction Certification Board of Oregon’s Peer Oral Health Training are utilized in this webinar. Hosted by the Northwest MHTTC in partnership with the Mental Health and Addiction Association of Oregon.




Janie Gullickson headshot  Janie Gullickson, MPA: HA

Janie Gullickson is a person in long-term recovery and for her that means she has not used alcohol or other drugs in over 11 years. Janie is in recovery from both addiction and mental health challenges as well as homelessness, incarceration, and criminal justice involvement. She navigated all types of systems and institutions that can accompany such life experiences, from frequent hospitalizations to prison. Janie was released from Coffee Creek Correctional Facility in September of 2006. Janie first began her work as a Peer Support Specialist/Recovery Mentor for Yamhill County HHS in McMinnville, Oregon in 2011. Janie joined the peer-run organization Mental Health & Addiction Association of Oregon (MHAAO) as a project assistant in 2014. In May of 2017 Janie became MHAAO’s Executive Director. She also earned her Master of Public Administration: Health Administration (MPA: HA) degree from Portland State University in June of 2017. Janie is passionate about social justice issues with a focus on mental health and addiction recovery, peer programs and services and advocacy in these realms.



Reina Bower headshotReina Bower

Reina Bower is the Mental Health and Addiction Association of Oregon Evolve Peer Services Director.



Kevin Fitts headshotKevin Fitts

Kevin Fitts is the Executive Director of the Oregon Mental Health Consumers Association.

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