Millions of Americans face the reality of living with a mental illness. That is why in May, hundreds of organizations across the country raise awareness about mental health. The SAMHSA-funded national MHTTC Network provides free resources and technical assistance on mental health promotion, treatment, and recovery.
In this webinar participants learned about:
How to access free training and technical assistance (TTA), and readily available products and resources from the MHTTC Network
Prime examples of TTA and resources from the Network that promote mental health awareness and literacy
In the live 60-minute session, attendees participated in a breakout room of their choice from one of the topics listed below.
Includes an overview of the free 3-part training package Classroom WISE, and a presentation from the Northwest MHTTC on their dissemination and implementation efforts of Classroom WISE.
Download the slides hereor by clicking the "download" button above.