Listen to the podcast on "Head, Heart and Gut," the fourth session of Rebekah Demirel's series "We Make the Path by Walking" series. This session looked at how we can retrieve our deep instincts, through observation and self-care. If we learn to pay attention, our bodies can inform us how to make wise decisions, though early trauma may have shut down some of that knowing. Find out more about her series here.
Rebekah Demirel L.Ac., MPCC is the founder and director of Trauma Integration Programs, with more than a decade as an ambulance paramedic, twenty-two years as a paramedic trainer, eighteen years of mental health counseling experience, specializing in traumatic stress and she is a licensed East Asian medicine practitioner and acupuncturist. Rebekah’s unique skill set and experience are informed by her own traumatic childhood and teen years spent on the street and in the foster care system, giving her a special familiarity and empathy for trauma and loss.