Recruitment and Retention of School Mental Health Providers of Color

Recruitment and retention of school mental health providers refers to addressing the systems-level barriers to a full school mental health workforce (especially as it pertains to increasing the number of practitioners of color to better reflect the students they serve), as well as developing recruitment processes and school/district cultures that promote inclusivity/belonging, growth, and longevity from school mental health providers of color.

Research has demonstrated the importance of maintaining diversity in the school mental health workforce. Studies have shown that student outcomes improve for all students by ensuring that students are exposed to, and learn from, school mental health providers and educators with diverse backgrounds. Guiding Principles for Creating Safe, Inclusive, Supportive, and Fair School Climates, a resource published by the U.S. Department of Education in 2023, outlines five guiding principles schools and school districts can utilize to create “inclusive, safe, supportive, and fair learning environments.” Guiding Principle 4 encourages not only the recruitment and retention of a diverse teacher workforce, but also highlights the need to expand the diversity of school-based mental health professionals. According to the U.S. Department of Education, “hiring and retaining diverse mental health professionals can improve relatability and accessibility and reduce stigma.”

Below, we highlight several MHTTC-developed resources to help schools and school districts recruit, retain, and increase the diversity of their school mental health providers. Other resources and organizations of interest are also highlighted.

Featured MHTTC Resources

2024 Speaker Series Presents: Fostering Belonging in Staff Recruitment and Retention | Northwest MHTTC

This webinar discussed the HELP framework and other tools to support belonging.

Anchored in Our Roots: Decolonizing Self-Care for BIPOC School Mental Health Providers | Northwest MHTTC

Presenters shared the resources from Anchored in our Roots that support the link between decolonizing self-care and, the creation of a space focused on the practice of self-preservation. The presenters will highlight the importance of reclaiming and grounding BIPOC self-care practices in indigenous roots.

Anchored in Our Roots: Restoring Our Ancestral Healing Practices for Self-Care and Wellness | Northwest MHTTC

Presenters provided selfcare practices for BIPOC mental health populations.

Building a Diverse Workforce from the Ground Up | Pacific Southwest MHTTC

The Pacific Southwest MHTTC created a self-assessment tool to help mental health organizations explore their implementation of workforce diversity strategies and this workshop explores each of the tool's six key domains to build workforce diversity, Leadership and Governance, Recruitment, Orientation, Onboarding, and Ongoing Training, Retention and Professional Development, Communication, Partnership and Community Goals.


Building Capacity Presentation: National Center for School Mental Health | Mountain Plains MHTTC

Schools serving American Indian Youth face unique challenges when addressing the mental health of students. This presentation described a Communities of Practice (CoP) Model pilot project targeting implementation of a multi-tiered approach in three schools serving American Indian youth across three states in order to increase capacity of those working in these settings.

Change is the Constant: Navigating Staff Turnover in School Mental Health Programs | Southeast MHTTC

This learning forum is dedicated to facing one of the common challenges in this work: the dynamic nature of the staff and leadership in place to implement programs. We can predict the unpredictable and plan for it. In this virtual learning session, learn to sustain morale and momentum by preparing for staff changes with effective practices for knowledge, skill, and responsibility transfers.

The COVID-19 “Patchwork Pandemic” and Mental Health

Recruitment and Retention of School Mental Health Providers Part 1: An Overview | Southeast MHTTC

This webinar highlighted the importance of sustaining the school mental health workforce for achieving the goals of an effective, high-quality school mental health services system. Dr. Mark Weist and Dr. Janet Cummings discussed recruitment and retention approaches that providers and agencies may want to consider implementing to support these goals, the current evidence concerning these approaches, and key resources to inform implementation efforts.

The COVID-19 “Patchwork Pandemic” and Mental Health

Recruitment and Retention of School Mental Health Providers Part 2: Innovative Strategies | Southeast MHTTC

This webinar explored innovative approaches and experiences of leading provider organizations and their partners as they work to recruit and retain school mental health providers. Ms. Nikki Raymond discussed the diverse array of strategies her organization has employed and their impact, and Dr. Mark Sander discussed his experience coordinating 18 mental health agencies’ efforts as they develop and support the school mental health workforce.

Recruitment and Retention of School Mental Health Providers: Strategies and Key Resources | Southeast MHTTC

This report describes organizational and policy strategies to improve recruitment and retention of school mental health providers. Additionally, it identifies resources developed by reputable organizations to facilitate implementation of these strategies. This report is designed for organizations (e.g. schools, school districts, and community mental health agencies) and policymakers involved in school mental health efforts.

Rising Practices & Policies in the Workforce: The Woes and Wonders of Recruitment and Retention | Pacific Southwest MHTTC

This webinar discussed how to address the supply and demand gap. You can also view the learning summary for this webinar.

Strategies for Advancing Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity in the Pacific Southwest's (HHS Region 9) Mental Health Workforce | Pacific Southwest MHTTC

This guide focuses on best practices for diversity, inclusion, and equity in recruitment and retention.

Uncovering Untapped Leadership - Exercising Contextual Agility to Lead Effectively: A Wellness Workshop for BIPOC-Identifying School Mental Health Professionals and Their Allies | Pacific Southwest MHTTC

This presentation covers the exclusionary history of traditional leadership frameworks. Further, viewers may examine how those outdated definitions persist in organizations today, and how to incorporate contextual understanding and agility to lead organizations (education agencies, departments, school boards, school districts, school sites, school mental health associations) inclusively and effectively to ensure optimal wellness for ourselves, colleagues, and our staff.

Other Resources of Interest

Contributions of African-centered (Africentric) psychology: A call for inclusion in APA-accredited graduate psychology program curriculum

DATA USA: School Psychologists Detailed Occupation

Diversifying the Teaching Profession: How to Recruit and Retain Teachers of Color

Exemplary Efforts in Psychology to Recruit and Retain Students of Color

Increasing Representation of Black Men in School Psychology Through Early Exposure

Intentional Recruitment of Clinicians of Color

Personnel Needs in School Psychology: A 10-Year Follow Up

Strength in numbers? Recruiting and retaining BIPOC educators

The Impact of Having Clinicians of Color

The Racial Equity Audit Report

Organizations of Interest

Association of Black Psychologists

Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective

National Association of Black Counselors

National Association of Black Social Workers

National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network

Psychologists of Color

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