The Rest of Us Webinar Series: Fostering Mental Health Among College Students of Color

The Rest of Us Webinar Series:  

Fostering Mental Health Among College Students of Color

The Rest of Us Webinar Series


The Rest of Us is a narrative feature film about student resilience in the face of a mental health crisis on a college campus. Set against the backdrop of 9/11, the film captures the tectonic shifts that have occurred since 2001 and how they have impacted youth mental health. This three-part webinar series uses the film as the basis for sparking important conversations about addressing inequity in mental health, encouraging connectivity, and raising awareness about suicide prevention, with a particular focus on the needs of students of color.

Part 1: Resilience and Self-Care 

Explores how resilience and self-care have a positive effect on mental and physical well-being.

Michael A. Lindsey, MSW, PhD
Executive Director of NYU’s McSilver Institute for Poverty Policy and Research; Martin Silver Professor of Poverty Studies, NYU Silver School of Social Work

Linda G. Mills, JD, LCSW, PhD
Director of The Rest of Us; Lisa Ellen Goldberg Professor, Executive Director of NYU’s Center on Violence and Recovery


Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the practices of self-care that are vital to building resilience towards managing trauma, stress, and anxiety among college students
  • Identify how we build positive community relations, particularly for vulnerable populations that are already facing adversity
  • Understand how The Rest of Us can be used as a tool to apply to young people, as well as to parents and educators


Part 2: Combating Loneliness
Examines how loneliness and social isolation are growing issues with serious health concerns, and review strategies for addressing these challenges.

Linda G. Mills, JD, LCSW, PhD
Director of The Rest of Us; Lisa Ellen Goldberg Professor, Executive Director of NYU’s Center on Violence and Recovery

Luis Ramirez, LCSW
NYU Associate Director of Clinical Services


Learning Objectives:

  • Understand how loneliness and isolation impacts college students of color
  • Understand how peer support can help individuals connect to their communities and establish relationships
  • Identify how campuses can cultivate a connection and wellbeing that is accessible to all races, ethnicities, abilities, socioeconomic statuses, ages, sexual orientations, gender expressions, religions, cultures, and languages


Part 3: Communication and Technology, Then and Now

Discusses using technology as a vital tool for providing mental health support.

Karen Fortuna, LICSW, PhD
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Dartmouth College

Linda G. Mills, JD, LCSW, PhD
Director of The Rest of Us; Lisa Ellen Goldberg Professor, Executive Director of NYU’s Center on Violence and Recovery

Learning Objectives:


  • Understand the evolution, development and implementation of peer mental health digital support
  • Understand the value of user-centered digital supports and the intersection with professional supports
  • Identify future opportunities relevant to advancing the role of digital support
  • Discuss the latest scientific evidence regarding suicide prevention technologies, including low and high-tech resources
  • Identify the role of community to supporting one another

Middle school - college age students, parents, educators, administrators, faculty, behavioral health providers

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