Region 6 Peer Support Spotlight Series


The South Southwest MHTTC, in collaboration with the Region 6 Peer Support Advisory Committee are so excited to bring to you the Region 6 Peer Support Spotlight Series, a webinar series which will highlight the efforts and accomplishments that Region 6 peer support leaders are carrying out in their respective states (Texas, Arkansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Louisiana) and/or their communities. This speakers will feature experts in their field and explore topics such as the statewide infrastructure, harm reduction teams, and peer recovery. The series will run January 2022 through November 2022, with webinars occurring every other month. Topics to be announced. 

January 13th, 2022: Building a Peer Advisory Committee to Advise State Entities

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This experienced peer support panel of Arkansas peer leaders will share information on identifying and tapping into peer statewide infrastructure. Participants will hear their journey and lessons learned while developing a Peer Advisory Committee in the state of Arkansas.

Participants will:

  • Understand the need for Peer/Consumer Advisory Committees,
  • Be able to identify the best practices to support person led advocacy, and 
  • Learn the structure of the Arkansas Committee as a model. 


Resources and Handouts



March 2022: Integrating Peers in Harm Reduction Teams and Opioid Treatment Programs

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In 2017, Louisiana was still an abstinence-only state as far as any treatment options were concerned for those experiencing OUD. Taking up the SAMHSA State Targeted Response (STR) Grant meant a whole new approach was required as it funded MAT for the first time, and Peer Support was seen as essential from day one. Each of the state’s ten human services districts put a Peer on staff for the Grant, and each of the state’s ten OTPs hired a resource coordinator to liaise with them.

This presentation will encapsulate Louisiana's experiences in setting these steps in motion, the mistakes we’d avoid in future, the teething troubles we’ve experienced, and more importantly, the successes and knowledge we’ve gained along the way. 

Participants will:

  • Discover what peers add to the process in a strictly monitored treatment environment; 
  • Learn how they can both assist and anticipate the needs of the counsellors;
  • Identify specific roles that can play within an Opioid Treatment Provider (OTP)
  • Learn about the benefits of embedding Peers in harm reduction teams and their role as links between treatment, support services, and the individuals they encounter



May 2022: TBA

July 2022: TBA 

September 2022: TBA

November 2022: TBA

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