Mindful Self-Compassion for Educators


Mindful Self Compassion


Are you an Educator interested in Mindfulness and Self-Compassion?



The South Southwest MHTTC is hosting a a Mindful Self-Compassion training for Educators that will take place over the course of six weeks. In the event that timelines do not work out, those who are interested will have priority for any rescheduled date, if necessary. Mindful Self-Compassion for Educators is a 6-week online course.  All participants who finish the course by the course end date will receive a Certificate of Completion and can earn 1 graduate-level credit (provided through Courses4Teachers). This training is designed for educators, caregivers, and those who work in service of young people. There is no prerequisite or prior experience required for this course. Both beginners and those with significant mindfulness experience find this training deeply impactful.


Here are the weekly themes of the course; you can find more detail on these on the course webpage located here https://www.mindfulschools.org/training/self-compassion-for-educators/ :

  • Week One: What is Self-Compassion?
  • Week Two: Practicing Self-Compassion
  • Week Three: Discovering Your Compassionate Voice
  • Week Four: Self-Compassion and Resilience
  • Week Five: Self-Compassion and Burnout
  • Week Six: Going Forward


Mindful Self-Compassion Learning Objectives:

This course supports an individual's journey on a mindful self-compassion path, and does not prepare nor certify participants to teach the course materials to other adults or educators. With the completion of this course, our goal is for participants to develop a basic understanding and application of the elements of Mindful Self-Compassion practice, including: 

  1. Familiarity with definitions, theory, and research supporting Mindful Self-Compassion.
  2. Motivating themselves with compassion rather than self-criticism.
  3. Fostering an improved relationship to difficult emotions with greater moment-to-moment acceptance.
  4. Responding to feelings of failure or inadequacy with self-kindness.
  5. Transforming difficult relationships, old and new, through self-validation.
  6. Practicing the art of savoring and self-appreciation.
  7. Integrating core Mindful Self-Compassion practices into daily life, both personally and professionally.
  8. Learning tools and strategies to address the caregiver fatigue participants experience, while also developing an awareness of the habits, systems, and structures that are contributing to that fatigue.





Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding the training please reach out to [email protected].




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