School Mental Health Policy



Excused School Absences for Mental Health: Recent Policy Developments in the Southeast United States (April 2024)

Many state leaders have it as a goal to empower students and support their mental wellbeing, and in many states they are advancing this goal by passing or introducing legislation on school absences for mental health reasons. This infographic illustrates recent policy developments on this topic across the Southeast.


State Policies and School Mental Health in the Southeast (August 2022)

This report summarizes state policies newly introduced between October 2020 and May 2022 to support school MH services in the Southeast region (HHS Region 4) of the U.S. This is the third in a series of reports on school MH policies in the Southeast.  Previous reports were published in October 2020 and in November 2019.


Expanding the School-Based Mental Health Workforce: State Policies in the Southeast U.S., 2015-2020 (November 2021)

This infographic presents policy efforts in the Southeast U.S. to expand the school mental health workforce in 2015-2020.


State Policies and School Mental Health in the Southeast (January 2021)

This infographic describes policies related to school mental health that were considered or passed between January and October 2020 in the Southeast U.S.


State Policy and School Mental Health in the Southeast (November 2019)

This infographic describes considered and enacted school mental health laws and executive actions in the 2018/2019 legislative cycle.


Service-Related Policy Adoption (September 2019)

This infographic describes health and prevention services for students and policies related to mental health screenings using data from the School Health Policies and Practices Study.


Workforce-Related Policy Adoption (September 2019)

This infographic describes the mental health staffing characteristics in schools in the Southeast region using data from the School Health Policies and Practices Study.


Short Reports

Region 4 Telemental Health Landscape in Response to COVID-19 (March 2021)

Region 4 Telemental Health Policy Landscape (September 2020)

These documents present a general landscape of state mental health licensing board responses to the COVID-19 public health emergency related to telemental health services and payment. It is important to note that many of these provisions are time-sensitive, and so may not remain in effect beyond the listed dates (or the date when states declare the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency).


SMH Legislation in the Southeast: A Tiered Approach (November 2019)

This resource provides a State and Tier-specific description of the key policies around the financing and provision of school mental health that state leaders are proposing in the Southeast.


The Southeast MHTTC created a comprehensive product catalogue of the resources and information they have published. Click here to view the full product catalogue. Additionally, these products are presented on the following pages of our website:


Key Resources

Comprehensive School Mental Health Systems: Foundations

Mental Health Services and Supports in Schools

Funding, Sustainability, and Impact

Diverse Populations, Equity, and Inclusion


Copyright © 2024 Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) Network