Well-being skills for teachers offered via new webinar series

September 2, 2020

Editors' Note: This story ran in our September newsletter, published Sept. 2.


A new webinar series kicking off in early September will present well-being skills to education professionals, administrators, and stakeholders who are working together to create a culture of well-being that supports students and educators.


The introductory session for Well-Being Wednesdays: Taking Care of Educators Who Take Care of Kids, airing 12-1 p.m. Central Time Sept. 9, will cover the what, why, and how of the Adult Resilience Curriculum (ARC) and present strategies aimed at enhancing resilience and well-being.


Each successive session in this monthly series will focus on one of the 10 ARC practice modules and follow a tell-show-do approach. Session leaders will teach one skill per 30-minute session, outlining the skill, providing examples, and promoting use of the skill. During the last session of the series, participants will be encouraged to identify and practice strategies that align with their personal and professional values, resulting in a “personal recipe for well-being.”


Content is tailored to address needs within our region, but all are welcome to attend. Certificates of completion will be provided to viewers of 50% or more of the live webinars.


ARC Webinar Series Image
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