​Addressing the Current Youth ‘Mental Health Crisis’ Within an MTSS Framework​

Students are reporting overall mental health decline, including increases in anxiety and persistent feelings of hopelessness and sadness. Schools are in a unique position to help youth manage mental health symptoms and challenges, but the majority of schools report they are currently unable to meet demands. Therefore, aligning our school-based mental health supports within existing structures and building the knowledge and skill base of educators can increase access to best practice interventions for students. This session will highlight: best practices in school-based mental health; specific function-based interventions and supports at the classroom, group, and individual levels as they relate to stress and anxiety, engagement and connectedness, and executive functioning abilities; and future opportunities for free training and technical assistance from the Mid-America MHTTC about function-based approaches to supporting mental health in schools.

Starts: Feb 24, 2023 10:00 am
Ends: Feb 24, 2023 11:00 am
Event Type
Face-to-Face Training
Hosted by
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