How to Implement a Provider Wellness Program at Work | Slide Deck

Healthcare Providers are meeting the challenge of providing compassionate and effective services throughout this challenging time. Healthcare providers also need to be compassionate with themselves, attention to self-care helps maintain wellness. 

In this webinar, we will introduce the Self-Care Program Manual intended to help professionals in a range of disciplines and settings facilitate brief self-care sessions with their peers and colleagues. The Manual includes information for facilitating each session. After the webinar, we will host a series of sessions as well as a detailed outline of what the facilitator will say and do during each session. 

Each session provides an opportunity to develop skills to improve well-being. When people take care of themselves first, they are better able to offer high-quality support and services, manage emotions, and re-connect to purpose and meaning in their work and life.


Peggy Swarbrick, Ph.D., FAOTA, is the Associate Director of the Center of Alcohol and Substance Use Studies and a Research Professor in the Applied Department of Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology at Rutgers. She developed a strength-based 8-dimensional wellness model to promote recovery from mental health and substance use and has created self-care wellness programs for people in recovery, caregivers, families, youth, and professionals. As a co-investigator, consultant, and collaborator on Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) grants as well as the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA) grants, she has contributed to research and been a lead for developing training and intervention manuals for many of these projects. Dr. Swarbrick was a co-investigator on Perspectives on the International Classification of Diseases (11th revision); Using lived experience to improve mental health diagnoses in the United States: INCLUDE – US Study. She worked for many years at the Collaborative Support Programs of New Jersey Wellness Institute.

July 2, 2021
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